Montana Delegates Attend National Convention Vote to Adopt Special Orders

Montana farmers and ranchers were afforded the opportunity to advocate for Montana farmers and ranchers at the 114th National Farmers Union convention in Minneapolis, MN. More than 500 members from over 20 states attended the convention.

“What came out of this convention is a clearer understanding of how other states feel about important issues such as Waters of the US and GMO Labeling,” said President Alan Merrill. “MFU has very good policy on GMO, policy that has helped guide national’s development on the issue. This discussion, and dialogue between states, is what makes Farmers Union such a neat and unique organization. I am proud to be a part of it.”

At the convention several high-level officials presented on the challenges and opportunities that face agriculture today. U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, General Wesley Clark and Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton were keynotes at the convention.

MFU Board Member and delegate Brett Dailey said the diversity of speakers was his favorite part of the event. “General Clark was excellent. In a very optimistic way he talked about renewable fuels and how oil production affects national security and agriculture world-wide.”

Attendees were offered the opportunity to go off-site either to a Co-op tour of a local brewery, or a Meat Company and creamery. Breakout sessions were also offered on farm safety, social media marketing, retirement planning, advocacy and more.

The final day of the convention delegates reviewed policy line-by-line and adopted 10 special orders. Those orders are consistent with many of the top issues that Montana Farmers Union advocates for. The special orders voted on at the convention include:

• Country-of-Origin Labeling(COOL)

• Family Farming and Trade

• The Current & Future Farm Bill

• ARC-County Payments

• Animal Disease Protection & Research

• Renewable Fuel Standards(RFS)

• Climate Change

• Resolution Establishing a National Dairy Price Committee and Campaign

Farmers Union delegates re-elected Donn Teske of Kansas as NFU Vice President. For more on the convention, including the full text of the adopted policy manual, visit