From The Mayor's Desk

Mayor Stiles reported that the regular City Council meeting held March 9 had six visitors and after the Pledge was recited there were no public comments.

In the Sheriff’s Report a couple of people have been picked up that were a part of the chainsaw incident last summer. One more is still at large.

Regarding the Wastewater Project there was a discussion about how grass was going to get planted around the sewage lagoon. It is still not clear to the Mayor or Council just how that is going to be taken care of. The Mayor got an email from the contractor saying that it is going to take three years for grass to grow over there.

In New Business Leslie Gregory and Connie Reichelt have been appointed to manage the swimming pool this summer. There is a 30 by 20 foot sun shade that will be put up this summer and there is some one inch rope that needs to be replaced.

It was reported that the lifeguards are going to have uniforms this summer so they can stand out from the other swimmers.

Councilman Drew Page has resigned from the Council as he moved his home to Fort Benton even though he will still be working in Big Sandy. The Mayor said that the Council is still dealing with local government help to see if they can appoint people to the council regardless of which district in Big Sandy they live.

The Council is looking for someone to replace Page.

A resolution was passed to dissolve the Police Training Fund and another resolution was passed to put the money from that account into the general fund. That amounted to around $4000.00.

Sheriff Burdick was in attendance and the Sheriff’s Contract was discussed. Sheriff Burdick is going to work on some things and come back to the next meeting and present what he has worked out to the Council.

The Council has heard nothing from an assessment on the old hotel at this time.

The animal ordinance will take a couple more months to craft by the Council.

Colby Baumgarn went to the Annual Bear Paw Development meeting. Bear Paw Development rates are going up and there was discussion as to how Bear Paw Development gets paid.

Mayor Stiles commented, “It sounds like Bear Paw Development is going to price themselves out of helping small towns.”

When Mayor Stiles attended the Mayor’s Conference in Bozeman in March he learned quite a bit of information about how other Mayors are doing their projects. It appears that federal dollars are needed to do many projects.

Interlocal agreements are a big thing. The buying and sharing of equipment is how several small communities can get equipment they could never purchase on their own.

Mayor Stiles said that the Gun Club is on City property and that the Trap Club will be shooting on Thursday nights from now on instead of Wednesday nights. Remember that the Trap club has precedence for Thursday night shooting.

The water shut off list seemed shorter this month.

Claims and vouchers were paid and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting will be April 6, 2016.

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