Big Sandy School Board Minutes

By Robert Lucke

In minutes for the regular School Board meeting of February February 16, all the Trustees were present but for Diana LaBuda. Staff present was Brad Moore, Maryetta Engle and Heather Wolery.

Visitors present were Christine Brumwell, Whitney Peterson, Mikki Pansch, Celesta Terry, Leah Olson, Christina Anacker, Sherri Moore, Brittani Bergtoll and Melanie Schwarzbach.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kurt Strutz. The Pledge was recited, guests were recognized and welcomed, minutes were approved and there were no public comments.

A thank you note was received by Lisa Genereux

In Old business the board approved hiring Brittani Sherburn and Kelley Pursley for on the job training of twenty hours per week with the potential to promote one to head cook.

The Board approved Brittani Bergtoll’s request to take students on an art field trip to Missoula on April 22 and 23.

Potential 2016-2017 calendars were presented to the Board for consideration. Option three was approved.

The collective bargaining agreement was approved. The agreement was signed by the teacher’s association representatives Melanie Schwarzbach and Sheri Moore along with Chairman Kurt Strutz and Clerk Engle.

No Volleyball coach was chosen but will be no later than in the June Board meeting

The Board approved a five year subscription to Ready Mathematics for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade with on-site professional development and iReady diagnostic.

At that time there was a recess ten minute recess called.

North Star Attendance agreements were approved.

The school will be looking for a special education aide at the elementary school.

It was voted on to transfer fifteen thousand dollars from the high school bus depreciation fund to the high school building reserve fund and ten thousand dollars from the elementary bus depreciation fund to the elementary building reserve fund for school safety projects.

An election was called for by the Board.

Darin Genereux reported there had been a safety committee meeting on February 23 and will be another on February 23 in the guidance office at the elementary school.

No report from the clerk

Superintendent Moore reported on the National Superintendent’s Conference he attended in February.

Superintendent Moore has posted a business teacher position.

Superintendent Moore stated that the classified staff has brought a two year salary proposal to him. It will be on next month’s agenda.

There has been some interest from Box Elder for a boundary/territory transfer.

Regarding the bus issues, Hartley’s has given us a proposal for a trade. It will be on the March agenda.

KJL has sent two possible proposals for a new swimming pool.

Claims were paid as were warrants.

The Board then went into executive session. When the Board reconvened Brad Moore was fired through the 2018-2919 school year with salary, benefits, along with duties and responsibilities to be determined at a later date.

The meeting was then adjourned.

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