Farmers Union Young Producer Conference

It is called a Young Producer Conference but it should be a great conference for agriculture producers of all ages.

Put on by the Montana Farmers Union, the conference will be held at the Best Western Plus, April 1st and 2nd in Havre.

Big Sandy farmer Alan Merrill, president of the Montana Farmers Union said there will be something for everyone interested in agriculture at that conference.

"The speakers we have will all speak very well to the general public," continued Merrill.

On Friday Kate Vogel will be talking about soil health and how to improve it leading to no till farming and cover crops. Among other things she will talk about are unusual cover crops like carrots, radishes, lentils and peas. Plant 3000 acres of a cover crop and that will feed 5000 cattle once the crop is established. Then plant wheat without tilling. Some have said they leave carrots in the ground to rot which makes the soil just that much richer.

Jed Bengsten from Torgersons Implement is going to be talking about the right kind of equipment to be buying for individual farming operations. Maybe don't buy that high powered tractor if none of the farm's other equipment will work well with it.

However, with combines coming in at a cool million dollars it is imperative to know how to buy what equipment you need and when you need it.

Mary Jo Irmen will be talking about farming without the bank. She will be establishing pathways to getting along without those high agriculture loans. For those farmers who have had experience with banks almost giving away money to buy a new pickup over and above the agriculture loan. Leaving the farmer having to pay that back sometime, or what is happening this year, that some banks are only loaning sixty percent of what an operating loan was last year. This is a must hear lecture about the farm family simply becoming more independent.

One of the most interesting talks of the conference will be when Deinna Heiken takes farmers and ranchers through the technical aspects of farming that can happen on any family farm or ranch these days. She is an expert in drones and how they can help in the farming operation and by the way she thinks there is not a perfect drone at this time.

Darren Boss of the Northern Montana Research Station will be talking about cattle and crops which should be very interesting to those raising just crops, just cattle or both.

Ryan Goodman will lead a discussion at the conference about cattle marketing and the social media. With the social media especially, playing such a strong part of marketing agriculture products of all kinds, this is a must hear event.

Lisa Murray of the Beef Council will be talking about what is new and what is happening regarding the Beef Council and their marketing strategies.

The keynote address will be given by Russell Nemetz who is from Chinook and is heard on radio and TV on the Northern Agriculture Network.

For all agriculture producers this is a "must not miss" event and is coming at just the right time with trade shows and exhibitions over and calving getting started. What are the best strategies for crop conditions this year, should be of interest to everyone connected with agriculture.

The cost of the conference is twenty five dollars for members and college students and thirty five dollars for non Farmers Union members. That includes all meals and conference fees.

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