Unofficial School Board minutes

In unofficial minutes of the March 22 School Board Meeting, it was reported that all the trustees were present but for Diana LaBuda. Staff present was Superintendent Moore, Clerk Engle and Elementary Lead Teacher Wolery.

Visitors present were Fred Watstein and James Anacker.

Chairman Strutz called the meeting to order. After the Pledge was recited the Chairman welcomed guests and previous minutes were approved.

There was no public comment and no correspondence.

In old business the Board hired Kristen Burke for the Special Education Aide.

In new business the board hired Kelly Pursley for the head cook position.

Contracts for tenured teachers Christine Brumwell, Larry Brumwell, Heather Wolery, Demrece Keller, and Laura Cline were approved.

A contract was approved for tenure teacher Sheri Moore.

Contracts were approved for non tenured teachers, Amanda Rohlman, Colby Cline, Brianna Bernhardt, Jamie Tone, Amy Terry, Christina Anacker, James Anacker, Kelsey Voeller, Brityani Bergtoll, Traci Rodewald, Josh Tone, Melanie Schwarzbach, Leah Olson and Whitney Peterson.

The Board approved the 2015 audit.

The Board approved the trade of a 2015 bus for a 2017 bus.

Superintendent Moore gave a presentation on the proposed budget for 2017. The School District will not be running a levy this year.

Several building maintenance projects were discussed.

The Board approved painting the gym with a potential to complete the annex if the bid stays within the budget. The project could start April 16, 2016 and finish by April 28, 2016.

The Board hired Josh Tone as the Driver’s Education driver at a stipend of $2500.00.

Under committee reports Darin Genereux and James Anacker reported that they had made significant progress on the suicide plan and policy. They recommended the plan and policy be put on the agenda soon to be integrated into the current safety plan.

Heather Wolery presented a safety survey she had taken for one of her classes.

The Clerk had just attended the Montana Association of School Business Officials Spring Conference and Budget Workshops.

Superintendent Moore reported that the school will only see a five percent increase in health insurance premiums.

Superintendent Moore applied for a community grant from Farm Credit Services. Through that funding two new water fountains will be installed near the gym.

Superintendent Moore stated that the school has received a few applications for the Business Education position. He will be talking to the applicants in more depth in the next few weeks.

A strategic planning session will be held at the beginning of May.

Claims were paid along with claim warrants and the meeting was adjourned at 9:40pm.

The next regular school board meeting will be April 19, 2016