BSMC Clinical Lab Scientists attend ASCLS-MT Convention

Maricel Bachoco, MT (AMT), CLS and Del Simon, MLS (ASCP) CM , CLS from Big Sandy Medical Center attended the ASCLS-MT spring convention in Great Falls April 14-16, 2016. The convention was a great chance to see colleagues, to learn about the latest in laboratory science, and to see the new and exciting products and equipment the vendors had to show and demonstrate. It was a time of networking and camaraderie among everyone at the convention. Del and Maricel were able to share their experiences as well as what is working and not working for other in the profession. Convention is always a good time to promote open positions and see the upcoming professional when viewing the posters from the graduating classes at MSU. It also give all an opportunity to get our continuing education credits that are necessary to renew our Montana CLS license and for our national certifications.

The educational sessions covered a wide variety of topics and had something to interest everyone. The educational sessions that Del and Maricel attended were the following: What's Old, What's New in Coagulation; Westgard Sigma Rules for Quality Control; Heart Surgery in Ethiopia; the Montana Medical Laboratory Science Student Poster Presentations; Update on Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes; Dissecting the Cause of Neurodegeneration: Growing a Culture of Biosafety in the Laboratory; What if We Settle for 99%; Discussions on New and Emerging Pathogens; and Multiple Myeloma Drug Effect on the DAT in Transfusion Service.

The convention would not have been possible without ASCLS-MT. ASCLS is the national professional society representing clinical laboratory scientists. Del has been a member of ASCLS for numerous years. She was awarded the ASCLS membership longevity award in honor of her 40 years of membership. She also was elected to the Nominations Committee from District II during the annual business meeting. Maricel will be joining ASCLS soon.

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