Farm operators are strongly encouraged to call Farm Service Agency (FSA) ASAP to schedule an appointment for completion of the ARC/PLC enrollment and crop reporting processes. The final deadlines for completing these actions are July 15th for crop reporting and August 1st for ARC/PLC enrollment, but FSA is encouraging you to complete these processes now, rather than later. ARC/PLC enrollment and crop reporting will be completed on an appointment basis. Don’t wait until late June or July to complete these processes. If you are done seeding your spring-crops, call FSA now to schedule your appointment to complete both your ARC/PLC and crop reporting requirements.
Since fall-seeded and perennial crops were to have been reported by November 15th, only spring-seeded crops, summerfallow, and CRP acreage must be reported at this time. Farm maps will not be mailed to producers. Producers have the following options for map set completion: (1) enter the required data on the farm maps on the date of your appointment; (2) stop by the FSA office to obtain a copy of the farm maps; or (3) request that a set of farm maps be emailed to you. Requests for maps may be emailed to Jessica Anderson at JESSICA.L.ANDERSON@MT.USDA.GOV