Bear Paw Meanderings

It is that wonderful month of May. My upstairs bedroom window has been surrounded by white apple blossoms for most of two weeks now and it is glorious.

I love to get up early, about a half hour before dawn or even earlier and go out to the back terrace and sit and listen to the birds making a joyful noise to herald a new day. That is a beautiful way to start any day.

My dog Fallie, who hates it outside with a passion, even has enjoyed this week with the temperatures in the 70’s. He walks slowly around the terrace and smells individual lilac leaves from the hedge that surrounds that terrace. Then he ventures out on the lawn and maybe even into the garden just to look. He enters one end of the garden, walks on the sidewalks all the way through the garden and comes out on a lawn far to the rear of the house. He looks like he is sighing greatly before taking that trek back to the terrace. If I am not there to open the door for him and let him back in the house, he barks frantically.

Here is the thing. That is the most walking Fallie has done for several years. I am amazed. Usually he goes out does his business and heads back inside quickly. Woe be unto me if I am not at the door instantly to let him back in.

Before long I will have a huge display of wonderful Sweet Rocket. Rocket comes up every two years. This is the big year for Rocket. Next year a tad smaller. But this year it is even coming up in the lawn wherever it can. The whole back yard will be perfumed from that Rocket and the four foot tall purple spears will look just glorious.

Lupine, poppies, peonies, and daisies will not be far behind.

For now lilacs are really bursting out all over and spring has sprung and I don’t think I have ever seen a better one!

I think Fallie thinks the same thing!

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