Green Acres

Dryland Alfalfa Questions and Answers

What is an economic stand for alfalfa? We like to see at least 3-4 plants per square foot in an irrigated field, and 2-3 plants/ square foot in dryland. Or you can also do a mean stem count, and once you get less than 40 stems/ square foot, we recommend renovating (Emily Glunk, 2015).

Should I inoculate my seed? If not already inoculated when purchased, inoculate alfalfa seed with nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium meliloti, specific for alfalfa. Even when planting on land that has already grown alfalfa there is no practical means of knowing if effective nitrogen fixing bacteria remain in the soil. Proper inoculation ensures the availability of an adequate number of effective bacteria to infect the root hairs and develop active nodules.

What is the recommended seeding rate for dryland alfalfa? In numerous dryland trials across Montana, no yield or stand advantage has been documented at planting rates higher than 5 pounds of pure live seed (PLS) per acre. Five pounds of PLS equates to approximately 23 seeds per square foot. Heavier seeding rates will lead to over-competition during establishment.

When should alfalfa be seeded if I can’t get into the field in the spring? Summer might be an option. It is a good idea to be able to plant it so that he can get at least to the 5th trifoliate stage in the alfalfa before winter that should give more established stand that following spring (Emily Glunk, 2015).

What is recommended for crop rotations? When an old stand is terminated, it is recommended to rotate to an alternative crop for two years before returning to alfalfa. ‘Willow Creek’ forage winter wheat or cereal forages are very useful to ranchers who want to continue producing hay. In Chouteau County where crop-fallow is practiced, forages should be planted following a season of fallow, either into a prepared seedbed or standing chemically-fallowed stubble. Replacing alfalfa with sainfoin may be a viable option.

What if I want to broadcast seed? Harrowing before seeding is a good recommendation because soil moisture is turned up (Wichman, 2013)

I have cheat grass in my alfalfa. Should I clip it? You have approximately 10 days after heading before the cheat grass produces viable seed. The problem with clipping cheatgrass is that there is enough cheatgrass in the residue that you will have another flush of cheatgrass in the next hay crop as well. (Wichman, 2015).

Information for this article came from Dave Wichman (MSU-CARC Superintendent), Emily Glunk (MSU Extension Forage Specialist), and the Montguide MT 200504 AG (Establishing a Successful Alfalfa Crop). For further information on forage production, please contact the Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751 or stop in for a visit. We are located in the Chouteau County Courthouse basement.

Montana State University U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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