BSHS Band and Choir a success at State

The Big Sandy Music Department has been busy this spring. The movie-themed spring concerts at the end of April featured many talented soloists. The elementary kids sang songs from The Sound of Music, The Lion King, Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book, The Music Man, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, and Frozen. The junior high and high school kids presented performances from district music festival and some volunteered to do other pieces as well. The concert ended with Princess Leia conducting the band while they played The Star Wars Saga.

There were three awards presented at the high school concert, The John Philip Sousa Award, The National School Choral Award, and the Arion Award. The Sousa Award recognizes superior musicianship, dependability, loyalty, and cooperation. This was awarded to Mariah Sheehy. The National School Choral Award is the highest honor for high school choral performers. It recognizes the dedication and musical achievement of the top male and female choral students. This one was awarded to Eric Schwarzbach. The Arion Award is the oldest, most prestigious national award for Outstanding Achievement by high school musicians. It was established in 1948 to give national recognition to junior and senior class members chosen by their schools for outstanding achievement in band, choir, or orchestra. Because of its prestige, the Arion Award has been a major factor in obtaining scholarship offers. The Arion was awarded to Mariah Sheehy.

State Solo and Ensemble was held at Helena High School on May 6th and 7th. Mariah Sheehy received a Superior rating for her clarinet solo, Serenade, and an Excellent rating for her vocal solo, The Bird of the Wilderness. Eric Schwarzbach received a Superior rating for his vocal solo, Caro Mio Ben, and an Excellent rating for his trumpet solo, Rondo Capriccio. Dakota Terry received an Excellent rating for clarinet solo, Etude No. 3. The high school choir sang The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls, and received an Excellent rating.