From The Mayor's Desk

At the May 4th regular City Council meeting there was one visitor. After the pledge was recited minutes of the last meeting were approved.

There was no Sheriff’s Report.

Regarding the Wastewater Project, the mayor said that finally they are closing out phase 2 and 3. The wastewater lagoon was seeded and hopefully grass will come up this time.

In the new water project, funding is coming along. Already Big Sandy has $750.00 from the Treasure State Endowment fund. The rest of the project could be funded by a loan from the State of Montana Revolving fund. However, Mayor Stiles said that Rural Development has just been funded for the year and Big Sandy has applied for some of that money as some of it is a loan but some of it is grant money so would not cost the town as much.

“It looks like a next year project if everything works out,” said Mayor Stiles.

Progress is being made at the Brownfield project of the old gas station but it is very slow reported the Mayor. DEQ wants more information sent its way about the project.

The City has hired Rodney Brown as the summer helper.

Fred Watstein has been appointed as a new Council member.

Plowing roads and ditches is going on.

The City Office is getting a new phone to replace an old one that is dying according to the Mayor.

The fate of the white dump truck, what some wanted to sell, is sealed for now. The Council decided to keep it in case it was ever needed.

Final approvals were signed off on the airport hanger.

The City is waiting for the gravel pit to open up so they can get the gravel they bought. That gravel will be used on city streets this summer and fall.

The city is buying more rubber mulch for the children’s area of the park and playground. The old mulch was not very fireproof.

There were no committee reports

The Mayor talked about devising a filter to keep the parts of the pig from getting into places where it should not be. No action was taken about this matter at this time.

Mayor Stiles said that the water shut off list looked better last month.

Claims were paid as were journal vouchers and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular City Council meeting will be June 8, 2016

The Mayor asks the public to remember that Big Sandy is now on water restrictions. Water on your days and at the appropriate time of day. Days and hours are posted at the City Hall.

Remember that the dumpsters tend to fill up during the weekends. Do not find full dumpsters and dump your garbage on the ground. Wait until the dumpsters are dumped on Monday and then dump your garbage into a dumpster.

“Use common sense,” added Mayor Stiles.

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