My Answer

Q: Where can I find God? Everybody seems to have a different opinion about this, but how do I know which one is right? Maybe they’re all wrong, and God doesn’t want to be found—or doesn’t even exist.

A: The most important truth I can tell you is this: God not only exists, but He wants you to come to know Him as your closest and best friend! “You are my friends,” Jesus told His followers (John 15:14).

And God has done everything He possibly can to make this a reality. God isn’t hiding off in some distant corner of the universe, hoping we’ll never discover Him or bother Him. Instead, God did something that was totally unexpected: He came down from Heaven and became a man! That man was Jesus Christ, who was both fully God and fully man. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus Christ. “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).

Why did God do this? He did it in order to erase the only barrier that separates us from God—the barrier of sin. God is perfect and holy—but we are imperfect and sinful. But by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins.

Now the gap between God and us has been bridged—and all we need to do is cross it, by putting our faith and trust in Christ. Don’t spend the rest of your life wallowing in doubt or fear, but turn to Jesus Christ and commit your life to Him. When you do, you’ll discover not only that God is real, but that He loves you and some day will welcome you into His presence forever.

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