From The Mayor's Desk

At the last regular City Council meeting July 6, 2016, there were six visitors present.

The Pledge was recited and minutes were approved.

There was no sheriff’s report. Nor were there any public comments.

The New Water Project was discussed. Rural Development has asked for updated figures as they are interested in funding the project. Mayor Stiles said that before they go too much further they need to have public meetings to let Big Sandy know what is in the mix.

The Council discussed property cleanup of weeds, abandoned vehicles and wondered how Big Sandy could look better? The Council is asking other towns about their ordinances for property cleanup and will go from there.

The Council is waiting for a contact of a person interested in purchasing the old road grader.

In the Pool manager’s report the Council heard pool numbers and how everything is going. The Council also discussed changing the policy for schools that schedule events at the Big Sandy pool and then do not show up. Mayor Stiles said that the Council will work on a new policy for that during the winter.

Resolution 2017-01 was passed granting Big Sandy the ability to work with Bear Paw Development.

In old Business Mayor Stiles reported that the street crew is filling in potholes, cleaning out ditches and that Tim LaBuda has help in doing that as a new helper was hired.

Mayor Stiles reminded citizens that the road right-of-way extends into the ditches. That is why they are being cleaned out.

Costs associated with the annual Big Sandy audit were discussed. The cost of an audit has gone up to around $11,000.00 for this next year from the firm the City is using. Mayor Stiles said that in looking at costs from other firms, they are all about the same.

There are major water meter issues to handle in the next while. Mayor Stiles noted that there are 290 meters that have to be retrofitted. The Council is working right now with a supplier to see about changing meters. For now, though, people will need to get into basements and crawl spaces of some houses to retrofit the meters.

Mayor Stiles said that might be such a big job that it might have to be contracted out.

In the meantime, the City is estimating water meter readings. If a reading seems to be excessive, read the meter and even better take a picture of the meter and take it to the City Office and get the reading changed.

There were no committee reports.

The water shutoff list was reviewed.

Claims and vouchers were paid and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular City Council meeting will be August 4, 2016.

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