Big Sandy business sidewalks

As most Big Sandy residents have noticed for a long time now there have been sidewalks torn up in the Big Sandy business district.

Project manager Keith Ballantyne said that by the time this story is out, all the sidewalks should be finished.

Chouteau County found that there was some money left in old CTEP funds (Community Transportation Enhancement Project). The money was awarded to Chouteau County to use in Big Sandy for a sidewalk project.

By using CTEP funds for sidewalks, the business owner would not have to pay as much for a new sidewalk as would be paid normally.

As to why the project has taken so long to finish in Big Sandy, no one seems to know.

Ballantyne said that Big Sandy sidewalks are inconsistent so in many cases, handicapped accessible troughs, which would be required in many projects such as this, are not needed.

For instance at Peps the long stretch of sidewalk reaching to the street across from the post office is so low that it meets the street perfectly as is.

There was a handicapped trough in front of City Hall and that will remain in place once the work is completed.

There are some grade issues in front of the library. There is a stretch of sidewalk just under the two story tower that appears not to conform to any codes much less to ADA codes for grades which is an inch per foot according to officials.

Almost as an after thought, there were more handicapped access troughs added by press time.

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