From The Mayor's Desk

By Robert Lucke

There were two visitors present at the August 10th regular City Council Meeting.

After the Pledge was recited and guests were welcomed, minutes were approved and public comments were called for. There were none.

There was no Sheriff’s Report.

Regarding the KLJ Water Project report, the City is getting close to knowing what kind of a financial package would be available from Rural Development for this project. The Mayor thinks that if some public meetings go well, the project could get started this spring and he thinks that the financial project thus far looks pretty good.

Bear Paw Development talked about the Brownfield project at the Four way stop at US 87 and the Judith Landing Road where the abandoned service station is located. It looks like there could be some government grant money to complete that project which is good news as this project has been active for a very long time.

It was also noted that there would be possibly some money available to do an asbestos abatement on the old hotel building before tearing it down. This is by no means a happening thing but could turn into one. The City is taking a fresh look at the project because there is some grant money available now that might not be available down the road.

The City sent a letter to the USDA for a notice of intent to receive some USDA and Rural Development funding.

Superintendent Moore, Councilman Watstein and the Mayor met with Burback Aquatics, who are an organization that specializes in municipal swimming pools.

“It was a good meeting,” said Mayor Stiles. “They have sent proposals and we are going to look at other companies who specialize in municipal swimming pools.”

Mayor Stiles appointed Shaud Schwarzbach and Ted Pursley to meet with School Board representatives on a swimming pool committee. Colby Baumgarn was appointed as an alternate.

A contract was signed by the City and an audit firm for this year’s audit. The Mayor said that not only is it difficult to find a firm who will do an audit in a small town but the cost which used to be around 3 to 4 thousand dollars is now up to eleven thousand dollars.

The final report was received for the Airport Project. All work should now be done at the hanger.

Resolution 2017-02 was passed which was the creation of a water fund account. Expect about $1.30 on top of whatever is being paid on water bills starting in September. This account is to get funds accumulated to repair non functional water meters.

There are about 80 non functioning water meters in Big Sandy. City workers will be estimating water bills from last year’s water bills for those non functioning meters.

Good news for city streets. In the next couple of weeks the City will start spreading the gravel on streets that was acquired last spring.

Claims and Vouchers were paid and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting will be September 7, 2016 and Mayor Stiles said to look for at least one budget meeting before the September meeting.

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