Unoffical School Board Minutes for July 21 meeting

High School District #2 & Elementary School District #11

Regular Meeting

Trustees Present: Brad Weaver, Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long, Brandon Gasvoda

Trustee Absent: Diana LaBuda

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk

Visitors Present: Shersteen Cline, Teal Poole, Jessica Roth, Connie Reichelt, Leslie Gregory, Steve Stiles, Pete Jerrell, Leah Griffith and Michelle Young

1. Call to Order

Chairperson Brad Weaver called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests

Chairperson Brad Weaver welcomed the guests.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2016 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

Andrew Long moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the minutes of the June 29, 2016 special meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board

Jessica Roth spoke regarding having activities for the students on Fridays. These could include activities such as visiting the nursing or group homes, possibly done through Student Council or National Honor Society.

6. Correspondence


7. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects

Supt. Moore reported Schine Electric has the doors mostly done and should be installing the cameras on the doors in the next couple of weeks.

Supt. Moore also reported that through installing our technology upgrades, it was discovered that we have some plumbing issues. We have a temporary fix in place, but will need to have evaluations done to see how extensive the issues are and create a plan for permanent repairs.

b. Swimming Pool

Supt. Moore reported that he had contacted the school’s attorney to create an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Big Sandy and the school.

c. MtSBA Policy Notes Recommended Additions and Revisions- First Reading

REVISED Polcies-BP1400-Board Meetings; BP2166-Gifted Program; BP3121P-Enrollment and Attendance Records; BP4301-Visitors to School; BP4411-Investigations and Arrests by Police; BP5122F-Authoriztion to Release Information; BP5232 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting; BP5322-Military Leave; BP8123 Driver Training and Responsibility; BP8430 Records Management

NEW Policies-BP7535 Electronic Signatures, BP7550 Indirect Cost Reimbursement

DELETED Policy- BP4313 Disruption of School Operations:

Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the MtSBA recommended additions, revisions, new and deleted policies as a group. Discussion. Unanimous.

8. New Business

a. Approve Assistant Volleyball Coach:

Head Volleyball Coach Shersteen Cline spoke regarding having Teal Poole as her assistant coach.

Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve Teal Poole as Assistant Volleyball Coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

b. Approve Junior High Volleyball Coach:

Andrew Long moved, Brad Weaver seconded to approve Leah Grubb Griffith and Michelle Young as Co-Junior High Volleyball Coaches. Discussion. Unanimous.

c. Approve Assistant Football Coach:

This item was tabled.

d. Approve Junior High Football Coach:

This item was tabled.

e. Extra Duty Contracts:

Darin Genereux moved, Andrew Long seconded to approve list of Extra Duty contracts as attached. Discussion. Unanimous.

f. Approve the Elementary Handbook:

Brandon Gasvoda moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the Elementary Handbook as attached. Discussion. Unanimous.

g. Approve the High School Handbook:

Darin Genereux moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the High School Handbook as attached. Discussion. Unanimous.

h. Approve the Certified Staff Handbook:

Darin Genereux moved, Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the Certified Staff Handbook with a clarification regarding when blue jeans are allowed. Discussion. Unanimous.

i. Approve the Classified Staff Handbook:

Brandon Gasvoda moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the Classified Staff Handbook as attached. Discussion. Unanimous.

j. Approve the Pioneer Pride Extracurricular Participation Policy:

Darin Genereux moved, Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the Pioneer Pride Extracurricular Participation Policy with a combination of the two (2) Self-Referral sections. Discussion. Unanimous.

k. Approve the Coaching Handbook:

Darin Genereux moved, Andrew Long seconded to approve the Coaching Handbook as attached. Discussion. Unanimous.

l. Approve Substitute Teacher List for 2016-17:

Andrew Long moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the substitute teacher list for 2016-17. Discussion. Unanimous.

m. Approve the Mental Health Counselor Position:

Brandon Gasvoda moved, Andrew Long seconded to approve Diana Keane as the Mental Health Counselor for 2016-17. Discussion. Unanimous.

n. Mentoring Program:

Darin Genereux moved, Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the mentoring program guidelines as attached with a stipend of $500.00 per mentoree for the mentor and $300.00 per mentoree. Discussion. Unanimous.

o. Fort Benton Permission to Enter:

Andrew Long moved, Darin Genereux seconded to approve Fort Benton’s permission to enter. Discussion. Unanimous.

p. Set Final Budget Meeting:

The final budget meeting will be during the August 16, 2016 regular board meeting.

9. Reports

a. Clerk-

The Clerk would like to know if any of the Board of Trustees would like to attend MCEL in Billings October 19 through 21, 2016. She needs to know by Wednesday, July 27, 2016.

b. Superintendent-

-Supt. Moore asked if the Board would be willing to test paperless board meeting for the next few board meetings.

-Supt. Moore reported that the gym floor has had its yearly wax.

-Also reported was that the new cruiser should be in Montana in next week. We will be inspecting it and fitting it with graphics before it is delivered to Big Sandy.

-Supt. Moore queried the Board about the possibility of him being the Driver’s Education Instructor.

10. Approval of Claims

- K-12

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46087 through 46121, Payroll warrants 34149 and 341584 through 34175, and Direct Deposit batches 83 through 84 were approved.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm.

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