Bear Paw Meanderings

Before you know it Labor Day will be here and folks will pack up their belongs and put them in storage until next summer or batten down the hatches of the cabin and not even think of it until Memorial Day, when the next year’s summer season will officially begin.

I learned one thing about all the seasons, wherever there were cabins and that is that spring, fall and winter can be just simply grand seasons to spend time in the motor home or at the cabin.

I have written a lot about having a mulligan simmering away in the crock pot while taking a brisk walk with the dogs down a mountain meadow bedecked with fall leaves and sparkling blue sky and creeks.

It is said that water mimics the sky and I am sure that is true. Because when we have those glorious blue sky days in September and October in the Rockies, the Bear Paws and the Little Rockies, lakes and streams are just as blue and just as glorious.

Some creeks in the Bear Paws, for instance, allow fishing all year long so when taking the dogs for a jog, take your fishing pole along and get yourself a couple of fifteen inch brookies or rainbow and cook them up, wrapped in bacon for breakfast tomorrow. Now that is eating high on the hog.

Days are warm, nights are cool and a fire the fireplace is always welcome in any of those seasons.

And, as you are walking back to the cabin, and you get a whiff of that pine smoke or aspen smoke coming out of your chimney, you will swear you died and went to heaven. That is until you sample your mulligan that has been cooking all day long. Then you will know this is where you belong and all seasons are for you to celebrate those seasons as much as you can!

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