Big Sandy School Board Unoffical Minutes from August 16

Regular Meeting August 16, 2016 7:00 p.m.

High School Computer Room

Trustees Present: Brad Weaver, Chairperson, Diana LaBuda, Andrew Long

Trustee Absent: Brandon Gasvoda and Darin Genereux

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk, Heather Wolery, Elementary Head Teacher

Visitors Present: Steve Stiles

1. Call to Order

Chairperson Brad Weaver called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests

Chairperson Brad Weaver welcomed the guest.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Andrew moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve the minutes of the July 21, 2016 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board


6. Correspondence - NONE

7. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects

Supt. Moore would like some direction from the Board as Schine Electric has not yet completed the high school door project. Discussion ensued.

Supt. Moore reported that we are still working on the sewer project of running cameras through the pipes.

b. Swimming Pool

Steve Stiles reported that the Town Council has appointed two (2) members, Shaud Schwarzbach and Ted Pursley to the Pool Committee, Colby Baumgarn will be an alternate. They would also like to have one (1) community member on the Pool Committee and have reached out to a few individuals. Chairman Brad Weaver appointed Diana LaBuda, Darin Genereux, and Andrew Long to the Pool Committee for the School Board of Trustees. Steve Stiles and Supt. Brad Moore also mentioned that there had been an informational meeting with a company that specializes in pool construction. They provided a wealth of information.

c. Approve Junior High Football Coach

Andrew Long moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve Kurt Strutz as the Junior High Football Coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Approve Assistant Football Coach

Diana LaBuda moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve Larry Jappe as the Assistant Football Coach and Lawrence Jappe as the Volunteer Football Assistant. Discussion. Unanimous.

8. New Business

a. Fitness Room Use

Supt. Moore reported that we have been having some trouble with adults letting students use their fobs without supervision. When the students are found unsupervised, the fobs are shut off. Supt. Moore will put an article in the paper to remind people that students/children need to be supervised while in the school.

b. Meal Reimbursement Regulations

According to Internal Revenue Code, meals are non-deductible personal expenses, unless paid or incurred during overnight travel away from an employee’s ordinary place of business for a business purpose. When an employer pays an employee’s meals while on business travel that does not meet the overnight rule, in the form of actual cost reimbursement or a per meal per diem, the payment is deemed to be a payment of an employee’s personal living expenses and thus a taxable fringe benefit. As a taxable fringe benefit, the payment is required to be included in the employee’s wages for Federal employment tax purposes. Recommendations from the IRS include 1. not reimburse employees for meals incurred during non-overnight business travel or 2. include these meal reimbursements in the recipient employee’s wages for Federal employment tax purposes.

The School Board of Trustees opened the discussion on this topic, and would like to gather more information regarding what other schools are doing before making a decision.

c. Exempt Employee Compensation

The Business Manager/Clerk and Facilities manager will be affected by the changes made to the Wage and Labor Laws. The new changes do not go into effect until December 1, 2016. To keep the employees in the exempt status, we will need to meet the new Federal minimum for salary, if we do not meet that standard, these employees will have to be moved back to hourly and paid overtime. No decision was made at this time.

d. Student Attendance Agreements

Diana LaBuda moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the Student Attendance Agreements. Discussion. Unanimous.

e. Safety Plan

Andrew Long moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve the Safety Plan. Discussion. Unanimous.

f. Board Goals

Supt. Moore requested that the Board of Trustees put together a list of their goals for the 2016-17 school year. We will be formalizing the Board goals at the September 20, 2016 board meeting.

g. Fiscal Year 2017 Final Budget Approval

Supt. Moore presented a PowerPoint of the proposed budget with comparisons of the 2015-16 school year to 2016-17.

Diana LaBuda moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the fiscal year 2017 budget. Discussion. Unanimous.

9. Reports

a. Clerk- NONE

b. Superintendent-

-Supt. Moore and Joe Bahnmiller will be going to look at the new MCI on August 20, 2016.

-Supt. Moore reported that we will be hosting an “Internet Crimes Against Kids” presentation on September 21, 2016 from 4 to 6. Community members are welcome to attend.

-To try to keep parents up to date on school information, we will be creating a Facebook page for each school.

-All of the busses passed inspections and are ready for the first day.

10. Approval of Claims

- K-12

Diana LaBuda moved Andrew Long seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46122 through 46154, Payroll warrants 34167 through 34175 and Direct Deposit batch 85 were approved.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.

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