Green Acres

Range Renovation Conference in Fort Benton and Stanford

MSU Extension is sponsoring a range renovation conference in Fort Benton and Stanford on Thursday, October 20th.

The morning seminar will take place in Fort Benton from 8:00-11:00 at Community Bible Recreation Center located at 911 16th Street. The afternoon seminar will take place in Stanford at City Hall, from 2:00-5:00.

Many producers are considering renovating their rangeland to increase grass production. In addition, seeded pastures supply nutritious forage at times during the year when other sources are inadequate or unavailable. To ensure a satisfactory return for each dollar invested, seeded species must be adapted to the site’s soil, climate, fit a rancher’s needs and be properly established and managed. Dr. Jeff Mosley, MSU Extension Range Management Specialist will begin with a presentation on weed control and ground preparation focusing on management of sagebrush species, fringed sagewort, broom snakeweed and cheatgrass. During hour two, Dr. Mosley will recommend desirable grass species, and cover site preparation and seeding techniques. Dr. Mosley will conclude with a presentation on post renovation grazing management.

For additional information, please contact Katie Hatlelid, MSU Extension Judith Basin County Agent at (406) 566-2277 or Tyler Lane, MSU Extension Chouteau County Agent at (406) 622-3751.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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