The Lady Pioneers fall to Bears finish 4th at CJI tourney

The lady pioneers had a busy weekend hosting the Box Elder Bears on Friday night and going to the CJI mid-season tournament on Saturday. It was an exciting match-up on Friday against the bears. The girls battled four sets falling to the Bears. 23-25 25-15 17-25 15-25.

The ladies were back up early Saturday and on the bus to CJI for a tournament to see where they stand going into playoff season. They placed second in their bracket and lost to the host CJI squad in a close match-up 25-21 25-15.

Now the ladies have two away matches one on Tuesday at Chinook and one Thursday at CJI. Both teams, junior high and Varsity ladies have played recently. The Junior high season wrapped up this last weekend. The Varsity will have the weekend off to enjoy the Chili Feed. This will give them the mental break to come back for a strong finish to the season.

CJI Mid-Season Tournament

Pool A

Valier vs Belt Belt wins 25-13, 25-8

Big Sandy vs. Heart Butte Big Sandy wins 25-17, 25-10

Heart Butte vs. Valier Heart Butte wins match with points 44-43

Belt vs. Big Sandy Belt wins 25-9, 25-12

Valier vs Big Sandy Big Sandy wins 25-13, 25-24

Belt vs Heart Butte Belt wins 25-6, 25-7

Belt wins Pool A

Big Sandy 2nd place Pool A

Pool B

Sunburst vs. CJI CJI wins 25-7, 25-23

Centerville vs. Box Elder Centerville wins 25-12, 25-14

Box Elder vs Sunburst Sunburst wins match with points 45-42

CJI vs Centerville Centerville wins 25-15, 25-19

CJI vs. Box Elder CJI wins first game 25-4, Box Elder wins 2nd 25-18 CJI wins match with points

Sunburst vs. Centerville Centerville wins 25-12, 25-15

Centerville wins Pool B

CJI 2nd Place Pool B

1st place match up Centerville vs Belt Belt wins 25-14, 30-29

2nd place match up Big Sandy vs. CJI CJI wins 25-21, 25-15

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