From The Mayor's Desk

Mayor Stiles had the following comment about the joint School Board and City pool meeting this month.

“I hope no one is going to want this to happen quickly. It is pretty detailed but it is working well.”

The Mayor went on to say that co-chairs were elected. They were Diana LaBuda and Shaud Schwarzbach. Contact them if you have questions or comments about the new pool.

The next joint meeting will be November 10, 2016.

The last regular Council Meeting was held October 12, 2016. There was one visitor.

After the pledge was recited and the minutes were approved there were no public comments.

There was no sheriff’s report.

Hillary Page was hired to do a website and her work is coming along well.

There was no discussion about the Water Project or the Brownfield Project. The City is waiting on Rural Development and Bear Paw Development before continuing on.

Bob Nelson from the Soil Conservation District brought in information on whether Bison should be treated as wild animals or domesticated animals. On the ballot this election is legislation that says that bison should be managed like livestock. The Big Sandy City Council went on record as approving this ballot issue.

The City is still waiting for the gravel to work some streets.

“I have no idea when it might be here,” said Mayor Stiles.

The Council has been working with the Library Board to fix the street in front of the new library. The Board agreed and hoped it would be completed by the end of October if weather permitted.

Insurance was discussed for the Public Works Director. He needs to do some homework before the next meeting according to the Mayor and they will talk with him at the next meeting.

In December new rules go into effect for salary requirements. There should be no effect the rest of this year but could cause some changes next year.

Rural Water indicates Big Sandy water is in good shape but there may be some changes made next year.

There were no committee reports.

The Shut off List was about the same. The Council is still working on some changes on paying for water use.

Claims and journal vouchers were approved. The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting will be November 9, 2016.

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