Celebrating Christmas Past"Big Sandy Christmas Stroll News

Theme & Auction Items

It is time to start thinking about the 2016 Christmas Stroll. It will be held on Saturday, December 3 which is just around the corner.

Stroll manager Marlys Edmonds said that there are many different activities planned for this year as well as many exciting contests to be entered.

This year the Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce, who puts on the Stroll, turned to face book to choose a theme for the Stroll. The Chamber offered a hundred dollars in chamber bucks for the winning choice. Marlys said there were many great choices but the chamber chose “Celebrate Christmas Past”. Laci Keller won the hundred chamber bucks for thinking up that theme.

Marlys said they were looking for a theme that would lend itself to Christmas floats and this one seemed to do it all. Some ideas about the theme and floats are a 1950’s Cowboy Christmas, 70’s Disco Christmas. Roaring 20’s Christmas, Victorian Christmas, Second Empire Christmas, Country Christmas featuring Johnny Cash. An Elvis Christmas and a Scrooge Christmas Past.

Leslie Gregory talked about new auction items that will generate excitement from area crafters. She said that they have ordered an assortment of ceramic Santa’s and Snowmen. Crafters can pick one up at the bank, decorate it, return it to the bank and it will be auctioned off to help with chamber activities through the year.

Leslie urged crafters to pick them up early as there are not a lot of the ceramics. There is no cost for the ceramics and they can be picked up the first week in November.

“Keep reading ‘The Mountaineer’ weekly to see what new and different things that are going on with the stroll,” added Marlys.

One thing so exciting is the kids contest for the best gingerbread house which will be built from kits that will be picked up at the bank as well. Prizes will be awarded.

It is always good to start writing about the Christmas Stroll as it is one of the most fun of all the events celebrated in Big Sandy during the year!

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