School Board Minutes from the Oct. 24

Regular Meeting

October 24, 2016 7:00 p.m. High School Computer Room

Trustees Present: Brad Weaver, Chairperson, Diana LaBuda, Darin Genereux

Trustee Absent: Brandon Gasvoda, Andrew Long

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk, Heather Wolery, Elementary Head Teacher

Visitors Present: Dave Peterson, Nubby Peterson, Ronnie Simpson, Gabriella Blatt, Fred Watstein, Dan Leader, Teal Poole, Andrea Rutledge, Jasmine Genereux, and Jenna Leader

1. Call to Order - Chairperson Brad Weaver called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests - Chairperson Brad Weaver welcomed the guests.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Diana LaBuda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2016 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

Darin Genereux moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve the minutes of the September 29, 2016 special meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board - NONE

6. Correspondence

The Board of Trustees received several Thank You notes for the jackets. Copy attached.

7. Student Council Report - Gabriella Blatt reported that the Student Council was busy planning for the Halloween Dance. They would also like to start a reward program for students with good behavior. Spirit week held October 3-7 was a success. Student Council will be hosting a pep assembly for the volleyball players before Districts.

8. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects

Fred Watstein has been working with Brandon’s Flooring to get recommendations for flooring in the elementary.

Supt Moore reported that phase one of the sewer project of running the cameras through the lines had been completed.

b. Swimming Pool

Diana LaBuda reported on the Aquatic Committee meeting held October 13, 2016. The committee continues to work on the Interlocal agreement between the town and school. Co-chairs were appointed, Shaud Schwarzbach from the town and Diana LaBuda from the school. The committee also set a goal to have a public meeting in January to find out how the community feels about aquatic center.

c. Exempt Employee Compensation

Discussion was held regarding changes to the Wage and Labor laws for exempt employees.

Diana LaBuda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the clerk to remain salaried under the new Wage and Labor laws minimum salary starting when the changes go into effect on December 1, 2016. The facility manager position will move to hourly starting December 1, 2016 for the current duties that are being completed. At the beginning of 2017-18 school year, if the facility manager position is actually filing the new facility manager job description to it full entirety the position could be moved back to salary. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Meal Reimbursement Regulations

Superintended Moore recommended that coaches and bus drivers will be paid $8.00 per meal through payroll, with coaches being paid at the beginning of the season and bus drivers paid as they drive. - Darin Genereux moved Brad Weaver seconded to pay coaches and bus drivers $8.00 per meal through payroll. Discussion. Unanimous.

e. Board Goals - In addition to the listed goals, Brad Weaver would like to add 6. Continue to work on retaining quality staff.

1. A transition program from elementary to high school for gifted and talented students.

2. Maintain and continue to improve student involvement and pride in student activities.

3. Continue to improve technology

4. Raise test scores by 10%

5. Have more Board outreach and advocacy to the community.

f. Halloween Party - The Board of Trustees will host the Halloween Party for grades 7-12 on Saturday October 29, 2016 at 7 p.m.

9. New Business

a. Sewer Project

Dave Peterson with Property Pro Jetting, LLC had been in and ran cameras through the several of the sewer lines to see the condition of the lines. He presented the video of his findings and recommendations based on those findings. Phase two, would be cleaning the lines and re-inspecting.

Diana LaBuda moved, Brad Weaver seconded to approve phase two of the sewer project. Discussion. Unanimous.

b. Graduation Request - Gabriella Blatt requested to bead her cap and wear an eagle feather with it to graduation.

Diana LaBuda moved, Darin Genereux seconded to approve Gabriella Blatt’s request. Discussion. Unanimous.

c. Basketball Coaches

Darin Genereux moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve Ronnie Simpson as head boys basketball coach, with Pete Jerrel as assistant and Colton Koop as volunteer coach. The Board will assess a possible salary for the volunteer coach if the number of players warrants an additional assistant. Discussion. Unanimous.

Diana LaBuda moved Brad Weaver seconded to approve Ronnie Simpson as head girls basketball coach, with Cheryl Strutz as assistant and Shelby Gasvoda as volunteer coach. The Board will assess a possible salary for the volunteer coach if the number of players warrants and additional assistant. Discussion Unanimous.

d. Assistant Science Olympiad

Diana LaBuda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve Colby Cline as for the Science Olympiad Assistant. Discussion. Unanimous.

e. Policy 5336-First Reading

This was the first reading for Policy 5336, compensatory time and overtime for classified employees. No action was taken at this time.

f. Facilities Use Agreement - Superintendent Moore presented the current Facilities Use Agreement form. He would like for the Trustees to think about changes they would like to see in the document. No action was taken at this time.

10. Reports

a. Clerk- MCEL was a great success, especially the workshop on school bonding.

b. Superintendent- Supt. Moore reported that the Northwestern Energy tax settlement lowered our taxable valuation by $47,407. In order to keep our budget authority we will need to recertify our taxable valuation with the new lower number.

-Supt. Moore gave a short presentation comparing our test scores to last year. We increased our test scores significantly in the last two years, especially in the elementary school.

-The November school board meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17th from 3 to 5 pm. We will then hold our last strategic planning meeting at 5 pm.

-Supt. Moore will be meeting with Angela McLean regarding recruitment and retention of teachers at a statewide level.

11. Approval of Claims

- K-12 - Darin Genereux moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46202 through 46245, Payroll warrants 34216 through 34263 and Direct Deposit batches 92 through 93 were approved.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10

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