Dale Morey tells his story

Dale Morey was born and raised in the tiny northeastern Montana town of Opheim. You would think that would be about as far away from the United States military as one could get but there was the huge Glasgow Air Force Base in operation then so things military were certainly known to Dale.

"I started my career in the Navy in 1969," said Dale. "It was because of the draft. When I graduated in 1969 I went harvesting in the south with a friend. When I got home there were several letters from the draft board. I did one more harvest run and that time when I got home there was another letter from the draft."

Dale said that all things went through his mind. It was the height of Vietnam and he didn't want to be drafted and become a target. Then there was the plain and simple fact that Canada was just six miles from their farm. But as luck would have it, Dale met a Navy recruiter and it was like divine intervention and off to the Navy he went.

When Dale was flying out to basic Training he felt uneasy until the nicest man sat down next to him and reassured him that all would be well. Dale never saw the man again and to this day thinks he was probably an angel.

Whatever the angel said it worked because Dale was in the Navy until 1984. Dale was a metal smith for the Navy. Then he changed and went into the National Guard. All told he was in the Armed Forces for 37 years.

"I was full time in the Active Guard Reserve working out of Glasgow. We had a hundred acres of the old Glasgow Air Force Base to train in and lots of equipment to fix. I had an assistant and we took care of many units who came in to work on the equipment, added Dale.

Dale said they were working close to Lustre and had charge of housing those people coming to the old base for National Guard activities.

All that happened until 1988 when Dale was brought on board in Culbertson where he was an AGR Supply Sergeant for the 163rd Infantry. Dale retired in 2006.

Dale and wife Mikki Morey have three girls and five grandchildren.

When Dale retired from the National Guard a daughter, Terry Cox and her husband were living in Big Sandy. Dale said that Big Sandy looked very good for them so they moved here and bought a house. Then their daughter moved to Cascade where she had a better job. Another daughter joined them, Mindi Gollehon. She works for Head Start in Box Elder.

Another daughter, Dalynn West lives in North Las Vegas.

Dale says he had a very busy life in the Armed Forces.

"It was a good life for a family. The only drawback was I was away from my family more than I wanted to be," said Dale.

Would Dale recommend the Armed Forces for young people from around here?

"Yes I would. Every young man should give it a couple of years in the military. It is a civic duty and necessary for our country," added Dale.

With a Navy Recruiter all those years ago and his Divine Intervention and that angel on the plane to basic training, Dale has no doubt that was the way he was needed to go.

So, it is with pleasure and pride that this Veteran's Day, we denizens of Big Sandy and surrounding areas, honor Dale for his many years of service to his country!

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