Bear Paw Meanderings

I had a strange Thanksgiving. It all started when I picked out a Thanksgiving turkey. I wanted around a 16 pound turkey because I think they taste better and actually had a Butterball in the shopping cart at a grocery store that will remain nameless.

Then I noticed a strange brand and the grocery seemed to have a million of them priced very inexpensively. A sixteen pound unheard of brand was $14.00 and a sixteen brand Butterball was $25.00. So in a moment of cheapness I bought the unknown brand. I did notice as I hauled the turkey home that it was not round like most turkeys, but rather was sort of a long oval to relate it to a hat size.

On Thanksgiving morning, when I unwrapped the turkey and washed it, I noticed very quickly this was no ordinary bird. No, it looked more like a baby camel than a turkey. It has a long rear end cavity, and then swelled up to a very round cavity but the wings were at the very top of that cavity then at the bottom where they should be. I pulled out a long neck and found out that the bottom of the bird was a large slit so it would hold no stuffing at all.

With great reservations I cooked the bird. It smelled fine as it cooked away but when I got it out and let it sit for 45 minutes and went to cut it, there were only two tiny pouches of white meat, all the rest was dark and I mean really dark.

It tasted good if you love dark, dark meat.

The next morning I was at the grocery store telling my sad story and they said I would get a free turkey for Christmas. Maybe they would even upgrade me to a Butterball. No, upgrade for me. From now on nothing but a Butterball and even those are suspect in my new world turkey order!

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