
The Pinochle Tournament held Sunday, December 4th had just twelve players enjoying an afternoon of fun. Three more came down for a while and played a round or two each – thank you Shawn! 1st went to Maggie Cline with her 6070 earning her $20; 2nd went to Nora Grubb with 5940 earning her $15; 3rd Jessica Sietsema won $10 for her 6920; 4th Shawn Webster got $5 for his 5610; and 5th Charlene Moravec with 5440 for $5. Last place honors went to Martha Pleninger for which she got her $5 entry fee back. High round score for the afternoon was 1940 for Lil Foussard and Nora Grubb.

Final play for December will be Sunday, December 11th. Happy Holidays everyone! Watch for the signs posted at The Grocery Store, Mint Bar, and the Senior Citizen Center.


Fourteen eager folks showed up at the Mint Family room to play pinochle on Sunday. We called Darin Ray and Bernie Ellingson to fill our tables of four folks each. Darin came quite willingly, but Bernie whined about being called out from his warm, comfortable chair into a blizzard. Then, he wanted ti quit play after round five when he and Shawn Webster earned a day high score of 1830 points in one round.

The rest of us voted to play a sixth round. Those who took home cash and bragging rights were, first place with a total of 6430 points and $25.00 Charlene Moravec. Second place was earned by Karla Whetham with her score of 6370 and a cash prize of $20.00. Shawn Webster got a $15.00 payout for his total score of 6300 or third place. Fourth was won by Darin Ray with a score of 5900 and a payback of $10.00. Fifth, and sixth places as well as the low score each got $5.00 or their entry fee returned to them. In fifth place was Sheila Duncan who drove in from Chester to play with us. Her total was 5830 points. , closely followed by Joe Landinger with 5810. Waaaaay down the line was Martha Pleninger with 2290 points for low of the day. We will resume play on the second Sunday of January 2017, which is the 8th and we look forward to having many folks attend.

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