Pioneer News

Thursday, February 2 Home basketball vs. Box Elder

Friday, February 3 elementary school ski trip

Saturday, February 4 basketball at CJI. Games start at 4:30pm.

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 7 and 8 FFA goes to Grass Range for District Meet.

Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows:

Wednesday, February 1 breakfast is egg and cheese sliders, assorted cereals, fruit, juice and milk. Lunch is Pizza with green beans, fruit, salad bar plus buns and milk.

Thursday, February 2 breakfast is muffins, gogurt or a cheese stick, assorted cereals, fruit, juice and milk. Lunch includes chicken tenders, tater tots, salad bar and buns and milk.

Friday, NO SCHOOL and Elementary Ski Trip

Monday, February 6 breakfast includes a strawberry bagel, cheese sticks, assorted cereals, Fruit juice and milk for the Breakfast of the Week! Lunch includes chalazas, mixed vegetables, salad bar plus buns and milk.

Tuesday, February 7 breakfast is a smoothie, cereal bar, assorted cereals, fruit, juice and milk. Lunch is a tater tot hot dish, fruit, salad bar plus buns and milk for the Lunch of the Week!