Getting By

One of the hardest things to think about having to do is making the decision of what to do when a loved one is dying. Perhaps you have had to make the decision in the past. You know the reality of how difficult the decision is to make but also wonder if it was the right decision and was it was your loved one would have wanted.

Under the Montana Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Montanans have the right to complete a declaration, another name for advanced directives. This allows an individual to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment when an individual has a terminal health condition. One advanced directive, Five Wishes, meets the legal requirements for an advanced directive. Information about obtaining a packet on Five Wishes can be obtained through

In addition, an individual can also complete a POLST (Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment). The POLST is a medical order honored by all Montana health care providers. It becomes a part of your medical record and must be signed by you and your physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

An End-of-Life Registry web site is maintained by the Montana Attorney General’s Office. This site is secure and gives authorized health care providers immediate access to the documents you have submitted so it provides the medical care provider with the advanced directives you have determined.

All of the above information was taken from the MSU Extension MontGuides and can be downloaded at or stop by or call for hard copies.

MT199202HR Montana Rights of the Terminally Ill Act

MT201203HR Planning for the End of Life: Approaching End-of-Life Advanced Directives with Family Members

MT201112HR Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

MT200602HR Montana’s End-of-Life Registry

The above information is a condensed version of a lot more available information. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Janell at the Chouteau County Extension Office at 622-3036, or in the Chouteau County Courthouse at 1308 Franklin St in Fort Benton.

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Montana State University, US Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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