Big Sandy Medical Foundation Scholarship

Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation is pleased to announce they will once again be awarding scholarships to students pursuing a medical career.

For the 2017-2018 college year, up to three $300 scholarships will be given – one to a graduating senior, one to a college student already enrolled in a college, and the third to a second deserving applicant in one of these groups, depending on applications received.

The Foundation was established to foster better health care in the Big Sandy community. They feel one way of doing this is to encourage and assist our young people who have chosen careers in the medical field.

Applications may be picked up either at the high school by contacting Mrs. Christine Brumwell or by writing: Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation, PO Box 530, Big Sandy, MT 59520. You may also call 378-2188 and ask for Nora Grubb, Secretary.

All applicants must submit a letter stating what school they are attending and a statement concerning what their career goals and objectives are. With the letter a copy of their most recent report card must also be attached along with the application form.

College students who have applied or received this scholarship in the past need only submit the above mentioned letter with report card copy to the above address requesting consideration for this year’s scholarship.

The deadline for applications is March 31, 2017.

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