Bear Paw Meanderings

Daylight Savings Time starts March 12. It is a pain in the neck for me because I collect old clocks and have to reset them that day. I don’t know about your old clocks but mine are very temperamental and take some adjusting to get them all up and running again after messing around with them twice a year.

I have one old coo coo clock that is so old that I have given up running it when I have to fool around with it twice a year. About the time I get it back up to speed so to speak, it is time to reset it once again and I am back to ground zero.

I could just bow my neck and leave all my clocks on Mountain Standard time all year long but the older I get the more confused I get and that might just make my life even more complicated.

I see that the Legislature is talking about a bill to abolish Daylight Savings Time in Montana. That would be wonderful. As one old wag put it, she would not have to wait until almost midnight on the Fourth of July to shoot off her fireworks.

For those who sell clocks, it would be a great help as well. I read of one man in Montana who has a clock shop and finds himself having to reset around thirteen hundred clocks twice a year. He said he had to hire special help to come in and help him get all his clocks back in order.

Just now it is daylight when I head for Big Sandy three early mornings each week. After Sunday, March 12 it will once again be dark as can be when I start out. Not good for me or my car as we have to be on the lookout for deer and cattle on the road and they are difficult to see in the dark.

Well, I guess Saturday night before I go to bed I will set my old clocks one more time if that bill doesn’t go through.

At least I do not have thirteen hundred to set.