School Board Unoffical Minutes for February 21

Big Sandy Public Schools

Regular Meeting February 21, 2017 7:00 p.m.

High School Computer Room

Trustees Present: Diana LaBuda, Vice Chairperson, Brandon Gasvoda, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long

Trustee Absent: Brad Weaver

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk

Visitors Present: Melanie Schwarzbach, Jessica Jaramillo, Crystal Geyer, Brianna Bernhardt, Gabriella Blatt

1. Call to Order

Vice Chairperson Diana LaBuda called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests - Vice Chairperson Diana LaBuda welcomed the guests.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2017 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board - NONE

6. Correspondence - Several thank you notes were received. Copy attached.

7. Student Council Report - Gabriella Blatt reported that Student Council had hosted Miss Montana for an assembly and that they had a pep rally before the basketball teams left for Districts.

8. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects

Superintendent Moore reported that the sewer project should be able to be scheduled in the next few weeks, weather permitting.

The annual gym floor maintenance has been contracted, and should soon be scheduled for the summer.

We did finally receive a heating quote for the controls and handlers in the gym. Copy attached.

b. Policies- Third Reading

Flexibility Policies- 1008FE Increase in Over Base Levy Authority Without a Vote,

New Policies- 7225 Crowd Funding, 8205 Meal Charge Policy, 8210 Procurement Policy for School Food Purchases

Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve New Policies- 7225 Crowd Funding, 8205 Meal Charge Policy and 8210 Procurement Policy for School Food Purchases. Discussion. Unanimous.

c. Elementary Flooring

Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the Brandon’s Flooring bid for the elementary hallway. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Pool Project

Supt. Moore reported that he had been working with Bond Council to put together wording for resolution to call for election. We hope to have the resolution in place to be able to call for a mail ballot election to be held the end of June.

e. Administration Staffing 2017-18

Andrew Long moved Diana LaBuda seconded to advertise for a K-12 principal. Discussion. Unanimous.

9. New Business

a. Draft Strategic Plan

The Board of Trustees was presented with the draft strategic plan. This was the first reading; no action was taken at this time.

b. Elective Offerings 2016-17

Supt. Moore talked about some of the potential elective offerings for next year. Brianna Bernhardt and Jessica Jaramillo presented some electives they would like to offer for the next school year. Also discussed was how to work the online offerings for electives. No action was taken at this time.

c. Winifred Attendance Agreements

Darin Genereux moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve the Winifred Attendance Agreements. (Copy attached) Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Approve Substitute Teacher-Crystal Geyer

Andrew Long moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve Crystal Geyer as a substitute teacher. Discussion. Unanimous.

e. Bus Barn Insulation Quote

We received two (2) quotes to spray foam insulate the bus barn. (Copy attached) Timing and need was discussed. No action was taken at this time.

f. School Safety Transfer

Brandon Gasvoda moved Diana LaBuda seconded to transfer $2,500 from the Bus Depreciation Fund (11) to finish paying for our approved school safety projects. Discussion. Unanimous.

g. Call for Election

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the resolution calling for the May 2, 2017 Trustees Election (copy attached). Discussion. Unanimous.

10. Reports

a. Clerk- NONE

b. Superintendent- -Supt. Moore gave a brief update on Legislature happenings.

-Also reported was that the total paid substitute days are down from this time last year.

-Supt Moore reported that we will need to hold a Special Board meeting to approve track coaches as the season starts before our next regular meeting.

-Lastly we had an inspection by the Department of Labor, we have a couple areas to improve in, but overall we are in good shape.

11. Approval of Claims

- K-12

Darin Genereux moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46410 through 46449, Payroll warrants 34418 through 34443 and Direct Deposit batch 102 were approved.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.

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