Blood Drive a great success

Being as we have such a generous community there are going to be some changes to the blood drive.

We would like to include the donors that can’t be there until 5’o clock so we will change the time until 7 o’clock. Of course, we will begin later. Our goal will also be increased so more Red Cross people will be there to take blood.

We did have another successful blood drive sowe have to give kudos to our first time donors; Dusti Phillips, Jenna Leader, Andrea Rutledge, Pete Jerrel, and Amy Terry.

We had special donors that received pins; 1 gallon, Ann Quinn and Randall Tyler, 2 gallon Laurence Bold, 3 gallon, Lauretta La Buda.

The Church of God furnished a very tastey lunch that had something for everyone. Thank you so much.

Thank you to Reggie Jappe and Anne Quinn for all the help setting up and cleaning up after and of course keeping things going during the drive.

A super big thank you to all the donors and all that showed up and were turned away for various reasons. Everyone’s generosity is what makes this community so special.

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