April showers bring May flowers, but we had a lovely April meeting with no showers. In fact, one of our members took advantage of the beautiful evening and walked home barefoot!

It was my turn to present a choice of book for the April meeting. I picked “Lost Lake”, by Sarah Addison Allen. “Lost Lake” to me, was a whimsical book on one hand and on the other, it had some deep thoughts and complicated situations. After reading it the second time, I became more aware of the layers of meaning to be discovered in this seemingly simplistic book.

We were treated with a lunch by Ann Quinn and Stephanie Overbay ,the cinnamon buns were much appreciated along with the trail mix! After a short period for snacking and conversations we had a very in depth discussion as a group.

We examined characters and why they had behaved as they did. We discussed losses in life, which the book illustrated, ranging from lost childhoods, siblings, husbands and initial life’s goals. The characters in the book all dealt with loss in a variety of ways. Some, we as a group could understand, and others we could not. We all appreciated different characters for different reasons and there was certainly a wide range from which to choose!

There was an element of magic, or paranormal which some of us felt comfortable with and others did not. I confess, this attribute was perhaps one of the reasons I liked this book . It was reminiscent of some of the books I loved as a child, ”The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” coming to mind. That hope we had as a child, that anything was possible I felt reemerged in this book .

Lost Lake is a lakeside camp of cabins in Southern Georgia. It was originally run by Eby and her husband George, and on his passing, Eby manages it with Lisette, her cook. Lost Lake has been a focus for community families and summer visitors for many years. It has happy memories for all. At the start of the book Eby is facing the need to close the camp. People from inside the community and visitors from all around return. They come hoping for various things. Some of these desires are closure, second chances, love, and we even see a mystery being solved.

For the second half of the evening, we broke into two groups and played a trivia game based on “Lost Lake”. When a question was asked, each group would consult with their members. Once they had an answer, one of the group would blow a horn ( child’s birthday type). Then, the member of their group wearing Easter rabbit ears –yes rabbit ears, would answer for their group. People were laughing but nevertheless there was fierce competition. One member had to be told to put down her book. No reading of the book was a rule. Actually she wasn’t cheating, just trying to recheck an answer she had given as she was positive she was correct. However, everyone was adamant she put her book down and she did with good grace. No names will be mentioned.

The Sunny Bunnies won but luckily for the other team there were enough prizes,(chocolate rabbits) so everyone got a prize. Sometimes we are a PC group and sometimes not.

I think everyone had a fun time. One returning member decided to read the book after the evening’s discussion. Hope you enjoy it Georgia!

The May book is “The Bone Setter’s Daughter” by Amy Tan. We will meet at the new library, May 2 at 7:00. Please bring any suggestions you might have for the 2017-2018 year. Do come and join us!

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