Green Acres

Knees Area Field Day Scheduled for June 7th

The MSU Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center (WTARC) and MSU Extension are hosting a field day in the Knees area on June 7th at 9:00 a.m.

The event will begin approximately ½ mile north of J & A Farms. J & A Farms is located at 2226 Knees Church Road. Dr. Jamie Sherman (MSU Barley Breeder) will share research based information on barley varieties for the Knees area. Dr. Luther Talbert (MSU Spring Wheat Breeder) will speak about successful spring wheat varieties for the Knees area. John Miller (WTARC Research Scientist) will evaluate winter wheat crop varieties seeded at the Killion test plot. In conclusion, Dr. Gadi Reddy (WTARC Entomologist/ Insect Ecologist) will discuss insect pest research and management. WTARC staff and Extension agents will be in attendance to answer agronomy and entomology questions.

The best route to take if coming from Cascade, Pondera or Teton County is to drive on Interstate 15 to Brady. Drive east on Brady Road East until you reach the Knees School. Turn south on Bootlegger trail road and drive two miles to Genou Road. Drive two miles west on Genou road to the test plot.

If coming from Fort Benton, Hill or Liberty County, take Highway 223 to Brady Road East and drive west until you reach the Knees school. Directions from Knees school are above. Please contact the Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751 for additional information.

Montana State University U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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