Deb Louvar faces Empty Nest

Each year "The Mountaineer" features a graduating senior girl and boy and a parent. This year is no exception. Matthew Louvar and Alex Richter are the senior boy and girl chosen to represent their class of graduating seniors.

Here is Matthew's story as told by mom Debbie Louvar.

Debbie Louvar said that Matthew is the last of five to graduate so by this time she ought to know what to do and when to do it. However it has been eight years since the last one graduated so Debbie thinks she might have forgotten some things.

Matthew is going into the Coast Guard after he graduates. He was sworn in on May 8 in Boise, Idaho. He will be doing his basic training in New Jersey. Matthew will have a very exciting career when he gets through with his training. He will be an Aviation Survival Technician. He will be jumping out of helicopters and rescuing people in the water.

As for graduating from high school, Debbie said that for her there is no difference in whether it is a boy or a girl graduating but she is sad because this is her last to be leaving the nest.

Debbie has some advice for those mothers who have never gone through a graduation before.

"Don't stress about it. Try to enjoy the moment," said Debbie.

Debbie said to always remember that it is like her son is starting a new life and it is exciting for him but it is equally as exciting for his father and Debbie too.

Asked if this small class of 6 was different than the last time she had a graduating senior, she said that in 1995 there were 25 kids graduating so this one is different.

But with the mothers in charge of much of graduation it is not at all difficult.

"We had our first meeting last month and there are so few of us, it is much easier. We had two meetings and we are all organized," added Debbie.

The graduating senior mothers are busy now gathering donations for "Project Graduation" which is an after graduation party. People wanting to contribute to this project, can find Debbie at The Grocery Store.

Oh, and by the way, even though Dave and Debbie are both sad that their youngest is graduating, there are four grandchildren coming up and they will be graduating before you know it.

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