Five schools in Montana received a recent boost to their National Archery in the Schools Programs (NASP).

Big Sandy, Sidney, Winnett, and Lewis & Clark in Lewistown each received a total contribution of $3,000 from the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation, National Archery in the Schools, Easton Foundation, Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, Montana Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks towards the purchase of archery equipment for their school. Kila received $2,000 from the above and $1,000 from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

“Approximately 450 students will benefit from these generous contributions,” said Kurt Cunningham, FWP’s NASP state coordinator.

Since 2007, NASP in Montana has worked with schools across the state to introduce kids to archery skills and safety. The program is currently in about 50 schools and working with 3,500 students.

NASP is an in-school international style target archery program that provides youth with a life time skill of archery. Schools interested in learning more about the program can contact FWP at 444-9939 or go to

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