Big Sandy June School Board Minutes

Regular Meeting, June 19, 2017- 7:00 p.m. High School Computer Room. Trustees Present: Andrew Long, Vice Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Brandon Gasvoda.

Trustee Absent: Brad Weaver, Diana LaBuda. Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk. Visitors Present: Colby Cline, Cheryl Strutz, Melanie Schwarzbach, Jasmine Genereux, Thomas Dilworth, and Ronnie Simpson

1. Call to Order- Vice Chairperson Andrew Long called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests -Vice Chairperson Andrew Long welcomed the guests.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting - Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the minutes of May 16, 2017 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the minutes of the May 31, 2017 special meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board - NONE

6. Correspondence - The Board of Trustees received a thank you from Bob Nelson for the retirement gift.

7. Student Council Report - NONE

8. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects - Superintendent Moore reported that the sixth grade carpet is in really poor shape and needs to be replaced. He had received a bid from Brandon’s Flooring. -Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the purchase of flooring from Brandon’s Flooring. Discussion. Unanimous.

b. Pool Project - The pool bond ballots were mailed out on June 12, 2017. At this time there are over 300 returned.

9. New Business

a. Classified Contracts - Supt. Moore recommended Cheryl Ostrom for the position of a part-time teacher’s aide. Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the hire of Cheryl Ostrom as a part-time teacher’s aide. Discussion. Unanimous.

Lianna Heimbigner was recommended as a full-time assistant cook. - Brandon Gasvoda moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Lianna Heimbigner as a full-time assistant cook.

b. Graduation Date Request - Jasmine Genereux presented a request form the Class of 2018 to move the graduation date from May 27 to May 20 in 2018.

c. Senior Trip -Jasmine Genereux also outline some ideas the Class of 2018 had for senior trip.

Brandon Gasvoda moved Andrew Long seconded to table both the graduation date request and senior trip until the July meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Boys Basketball Coach - Brandon Gasvoda moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Thomas Dilworth as the head boys basketball coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

e. Football Coach -Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to hire Ronnie Simpson as the head football coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

f. Bus Route Request - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve an individual transportation agreement with isolation status for a family moving out to the Faber Ranch. Discussion. Unanimous.

A recess was called at 8:25 pm. The meeting reconvened at 8:30 pm.

g. Assistant Girls Basketball Coach - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Cheryl Strutz as the assistant girls basketball coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

h. Individual Transportation Agreements - Brandon Gasvoda moved Andrew Long seconded to approve individual transportation contracts. Discussion. Unanimous.

i. Lease Agreement for Rental Houses - Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to table this item. Discussion. Unanimous.

j. Chromebook Purchase -Supt. Moore presented a quote for twenty-five Chromebooks. This will allow for the increased number of junior high students and having the availability of Chromebooks down to second grade. - Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the Chromebook purchase. Discussion. Unanimous.

k. Transfers - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to allow the Superintendent and Clerk to appropriate any potential excess funds by June 30, 2017 in accordance with law. Discussion. Unanimous.

l. Audit Report =Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to accept the 2015-16 audit report. Discussion. Unanimous.

m. Policy 2168 Distance, Online, and Technology-Delivered Learning; Policy 2170 Digital Academy Classes; 2170P Digital Academy Classes- SECOND READING

There are no changes to policies 2168 and 2170.

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Policy 2170P. Discussion. Unanimous.

n. Attendance Policy-3122P- FIRST READING

Discussion incurred regarding possible changes to the attendance policy. This was the first reading so no action was taken at this time.

o. MtSBA Recommended Policy Changes-FIRST READING REVISED Policies- Policy 2333-Participation in Commencement Exercises; Policy 3110-Entrance, Placement, and Transfer; Policy 3121-Enrollment and Attendance; Policy 3125 & 3125F-Education of Homeless Children; Policy 3210-Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity; Policy 5120-Hiring Process and Criteria; Policy 5420-Paraprofessionals; Policy 1531-Trustee Expenses; Policy 3300-Suspension and Expulsion-Corrective Actions and Punishment; Policy 4210-School –Support Organization, Boosters and Fundraising; Policy 4330F-SchoolFacilities/Grounds Use and Liability Release Agreement; Policy 5010-Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination; Policy 5330 Maternity Leave; Policy 8100-Transportation

OPTIONAL Policy Forms-Policy 3413F1-Medical Exemption Form, Policy 3413FX-Affidavit of Exemption on Religious Grounds

DELETED Policies-Policy 4600-No Child Left Behind

NEW Policies-Policy 2150-Suicide Awareness and Prevention; Policy 5220-Prohibition of Aiding Sexual Abuse; Policy 5420F-ESSA Qualification Notifications.

Discussion ensued regarding the Montana School Board Association recommended changes. This was the first reading so no action was taken at this time.

p. Approve Dues/Memberships

2017-18 Montana High School Association, Montana School Board Association, Montana Rural Education Association, Montana Cooperative Services, Western States.

Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the MHSA, MtSBA, MREA, Montana Cooperative Services and Western States dues/memberships. Discussion. Unanimous.

q. North Star Attendance Agreements -Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the North Star Attendance Agreements. Discussion. Unanimous.

10. Reports

a. Clerk- MCEL will be October 18 to 20, 2017 in Billings, if any trustees would like to attend, please let me know.

b. Superintendent- -Supt. Moore has been contacted to serve on the committee to develop transportation standards for HB 355.

-Substitute teacher days paid were down significantly this year.

-Handbooks will be on the July agenda.

11. Approval of Claims

- K-12, Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46593 through 46655 Payroll warrants 34577 through 34649and Direct Deposit batches 110 through 117 were approved.

12. Adjournment- the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 pm.

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