From The Mayor's Desk

At the July 13th regular City Council meeting there was one guest present.

After the pledge was recited and a greeting was issued, minutes were approved for the last meeting.

There were no public comments and there was no sheriff’s report.

Discussion centered around the Water Project Package from Rural Development. Mayor Stiles said that the package looks pretty good and they will be moving forward with that project.

Bear Paw Development was not at the meeting and there was no news on the Big Sandy Brownfield Project.

The City is buying a new tarp to cover the pool as the old tarp is in bad shape. The City is looking at a removable ramp to make the pool ADA accessible as needed.

Regarding the Big Sandy Airport, two things were discussed. There is a grant that has been applied for that would provide new runway lights as the old ones are very dim and not too safe. In addition there was airport planning that was discussed in the form of a wish list.

Some revisions were made in the Noxious Weed Ordinance and it is now being reviewed by the City Attorney. The first reading for that new Ordinance will be during the August meeting.

The City is still working on ditches and roads. Mayor Stiles complimented Tim LaBuda and Rodney Brown. “The ditches are the best they have looked for some time,” said Mayor Stiles.

The City is still working on the road next to the elementary school campus.

There were no committee reports.

The water shutoff list looked about the same as usual to the Mayor.

Journal vouchers and claims were approved and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular City Council meeting will be August 10th.

Mayor Stiles said that when you see Colby Baumgarn and his crew of volunteers who put on the feed and the fireworks for the Fourth of July, thank them as they did a wonderful job.

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