Chouteau County Fair Update

Don’t miss the annual Chouteau County fair this year held on August 18, 19 and 20.

Of course the fun begins way before that as there is a Harvest Dinner Cook off at 6pm on August 17 that includes a free feed and many harvest samples that cooks have been cooking for harvest for years and years in Chouteau County.

Just in case there are not enough entries to feast on, Colby Baumgarn and his crew are cooking many pounds of pork butt all donated by our own Grocery Store here in Big Sandy. Best of all, it is all free. This is a big deal. Over 300 are usually served.

Vote for your favorite harvest meal and a penny a vote will be donated to the Chouteau County Food Bank.

Colby Baumgarn is a member of the Chouteau County Fair Board. “The Mountaineer” wanted to know what was on his personal bucket list not to miss day by day at the fair.

On Friday, August 18 Colby would not miss the Golden Harvest Feeds pig wrestling contest. The Calcutta starts at 6 and the main event starts at 4 at the grandstand arena.

Don’t forget that 4H judging is fun to watch and starts when the fair officially opens.

Baumgarn said not to miss the 2 “live” dinosaurs that will be running around the midway all three days. One is eighteen feet long and they may or may not be friendly. Friendly or not, one lady who saw them at another venue said “They are just plain cool!”

“Don’t ever miss the Western Grand National Tractor Pull on Saturday, August 19”, added Baumgarn. Even though the really professional part of the Tractor Pull happens at the grandstand at 7pm, the real fun starts and lasts all afternoon when local people bring their tractors and semis to see just what kind of power their outfits really have. This is a not to be missed event that just gets more popular every year.

Michael Mesmer the hypnotist and magician will be putting on 4 or 5 shows a day that are great. In addition there is paintless paint ball, a water balloon fight where contestants are in cages. Talk about a cage match! And there are the famous inflatables and an obstacle course thrown in for good measure.

On Sunday, August 20th is the ever popular Demolition Derby that starts at 6pm at the grand stand area. More cars than ever crashing around the track makes for absolutely wonderful live entertainment.

Also on Sunday, August 20 at 2pm is the 4H sale. If you are looking to buy some of the finest quality of meats, this is the place to be. And it really helps our local 4H youth. Don’t miss it.

There is always a wide array of fair food. One of the best of all the restaurants in the 4H Chuckwagon. Talk about good hamburgers! Get a wide array of wonderful food that helps our local 4H clubs even more!

The Catholic Church always has a very good food booth at the Chouteau County fair and, as usual, Chandee Bomgardner will be making her famous Indian Tacos. Baumgarn says to take several of Bomgardner’s famous tacos with you to the beer garden and you will think you have died and gone to heaven!

Drag a dozen of those Indian Tacos to the beer garden is Colby’s motto.

The fact is that you will find more to do and see and eat at this Chouteau County Fair than ever before.

Don’t you miss it!

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