TV Club Sports New Station

Colby Baumgarn, president of the TV Club announced that they have just introduced a new channel, called the “Grit Channel”. It is a channel devoted exclusively to old and not so old western movies and sagas. If watching McClintock or Shane or The Hanging Tree or The Man who shot Liberty Valance or The Big Sky is your thing, you will see them all on “Grit”. By the way, The Hanging Tree and the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance were both written by Montana author Dorothy Johnson and The Big Sky was written by Montana author Bud Guthrie. Maybe you have not seen Gabby Hayes or Walter Brennan for some time and yearn for the simple world of Ma and Pa Kettle. This is the place to see them all!

The TV Club in Big Sandy is probably the best bang for the buck that can be found anywhere in Montana. Think of this if you have not for awhile. A buck a month or twelve dollars a year for ten channels of good TV. Where can you beat that?

There is a problem and that is that many people who use the service do not pay their miniscule dues. President Colby said the club just had to install a new translator for $3700.00 and they need dues money to pay for that new translator.

“It is simply a matter of use it or lose it,” added Colby. “We have ten ‘cool’ channels and now all we need is for people to pay that small amount to keep them on the air.”

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