New Big Sandy Librarian

Darlene Cline is the new librarian at the Jeff Reichelt Memorial Library in Big Sandy. She took over as head librarian on July 31.

Darlene knows her way around the library as she helped out with story time at the library and when she was young and lived on a ranch outside of Bynum, she spent much time in the library just doing her homework.

Darlene was raised in Bynum on a cattle ranch on the Rocky Mountain Front and she still misses those beautiful mountains to look at each day. She does not miss the terrible winds that often accompany living in that area of Montana.

After graduating from high school, Darlene went to MSU Northern in Havre where she majored in community development and business administration. It was there that she met her husband Travis. They met on the dance floor of a Havre night spot, he gave her his phone number and, as Darlene says, she was stupid enough to call him and before you know it they were married and she was a farmer's wife living in the shadow of the Bear Paw Mountains.

They have two children, Gabe who is six and in the first grade and Brookelyn who is three years old.

In Big Sandy librarians do not change very often. Darlene is the fourth in a long line of librarians starting with Dee Pribyl who was the librarian for a number of years. Then it was Vicki Silvan followed by Steph Overbay.

Darlene said that in spite of the sometimes crazy hours, the library can be a very busy place.

"Fridays can be slow days but on Wednesday often I stay longer there are so many people using the various facilities of the library," Darlene added.

Then there is the famous Story Time which starts at 10:30 on Wednesday and is usually filled with small children 6 months old to when just before they go to Kindergarten.

"We are building binoculars and going on a treasure hunt this week," said Darlene. "Then we will get more into fall leaves and things like that."

The good thing about Story Time in Big Sandy is it is not just hearing a story; it is a hands on craft time as well.

Meanwhile the main computers are usually always full with people getting and sending their emails and checking their face book pages to see what is happening to all their friends.

People usually use the Montana Room for research in the newspapers and use the Green History Book of Big Sandy. Often older people will come in looking for information on their parents and how and where they lived in and around Big Sandy.

Last week there was a baby shower in the meeting room. It is starting out to be a busy room for many activities in and around Big Sandy.

Watch for an announcement soon for there is going to be the annual book sale in the meeting room for those looking for a good read or a dozen good reads. Books will be out on the table and can be bought any time until the Chili Feed when the sale is officially over.

And, there is the Lego Club on Fridays where older kids come and make simply glorious edifices etc. out of the million or so Legos at the library. That is fun for them and fun for everyone to watch these inspiring works of art being built.

"I know it is confusing about our hours," said Darlene. "But I hope that more people start to use the library. There is so much to see and do, I wish more people would get some use of this beautiful facility."

Library hours are Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 6pm and Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 2pm.

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