From The Mayor's Desk

The regular Big Sandy City Council Meeting was held on September 7, 2017.

After the welcome, the pledge was recited and minutes were approved from the last meeting. There was one visitor, no public comment and no sheriff’s report.

The new water line project was discussed with Bear Paw Development. The Council is reviewing ways to bill people for water use more efficiently. In the process to change billing systems Big Sandy has held out for a long time but a new system would be more productive.

The Council is still working on with Rural Development for a new water contract proposal. That is a very slow process. Once Rural Development approves the funding of the project, the State of Montana had to approve it and then there will be a meeting in Big Sandy explaining what it is all about.

The Noxious Weed ordinance (2018-01) was passed and can be read at the City Office.

The Mayor signed a Montana Department of Transportation agreement for funding for the rest area.

The Council hired a new worker to help the Public Works Director. They discussed wages and hours. The new assistant to the Public Works Director is Larry Geyer. He will be a full time employee.

In old business it could be that there might be some Greenfield funding for the area around the four way highway.

The water shut off list was discussed.

Journal Vouchers and Claims were paid and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting will be October 11, 2017.

There was a special budget meeting of the City Council held on October 6. The Budget for fiscal year 2018 was passed. The garbage assessment was passed without an increase. The lighting district was passed without an increase. The law enforcement district assessment stayed the same.

There will be no City Election because no one wanted to run for those offices other than incumbents.