Pioneer News

Friday, October 13 volleyball at Rudyard

Saturday, October 14 football at Geraldine, Volleyball at Belt and junior high basketball at Chinook.

Monday, October 16 FFA officers meet at noon.

Tuesday, October 17 FFA meeting at 4pm.

ATTENTION: The Junior high basketball game scheduled at Turner for October 17 has been moved to Friday, November 3.

Wednesday, October 18 early out at 2:25pm. Football hosts Augusta at 2pm.

Thursday and Friday, October 19 and 20 no school for students due to teacher MEA activities.

The Week of October 22 is Red Ribbon Week!

Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows:

Wednesday, October 11 breakfast includes biscuits and gravy, fruit, assorted cereals, juice and milk for the Breakfast of the Week! Lunch is chicken drum sticks, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, salad bar, buns and milk for the Lunch of the Week!

Thursday, October 12 breakfast includes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, assorted cereals, juice and milk. Lunch is chili and cinnamon rolls, Mandarin Oranges, salad bar, buns and milk.

Monday, October 16 breakfast includes breakfast pizza, fruit, assorted cereals, juice and milk. Lunch is chalupa, corn, peaches, salad bar, buns and milk.

Tuesday, October 17 breakfast includes muffins, cheese sticks, fruit, assorted cereals, juice and milk. Lunch is baked potato bar, monster cookies, salad bar, buns and milk.

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