Bear Paw Meanderings

Some friends of mine are going to spend Thanksgiving at their cabin northeast of Missoula and feast on prime rib instead of turkey and dressing.

I thought about that for awhile and decided it was a good idea. There should be a turkey in the mix for Thanksgiving or Christmas but serving good beef is great too as Montana owes a lot to the cattle that graze it’s coulees and great meadows that make Montana what it is.

I have thought about what I am going to do for Thanksgiving this year. I am having trouble getting around so a minimal feast should be the order of the day.

To make matters worse, I am in a wheel chair a lot of the time which makes trying to cook in the kitchen all but impossible. Yet, even if I eat out I want the wonderful leftovers that a Thanksgiving feast provides.

I saw a recipe to cook a turkey in a crock pot that looked simple for me. That I could probably manage. Then there is my dressing which is a must at my Thanksgiving dinner. I have made it so many times, I could do it blindfolded and even though there is a bunch of chopping and I would need to saute up some breakfast sausage, that dressing would be fairly easy for me to do.

That leaves me to figure out how to make gravy out of the crock pot juices. And that would be my meal. Just turkey, dressing and gravy. Lots of turkey sandwiches for leftovers and plenty of dressing and gravy for a couple other meals.


I could call the local grocery store and order the whole turkey dinner for four or five and not have to do a thing but unwrap it and keep it warm until using it. Tempting, isn’t it?

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