Maybe Christmas is More; Bear Paw Coffee Opens for Stroll

While Robin Pearson was driving to the Bear Paw Coffee Shop and Deli he was thanking the Lord for giving him the idea to find volunteers to work at the Coffee Shop and Deli, allowing it to be open for the Christmas Stroll. Kind of like farmers finishing the combining when a neighbor needs help. Community supporting community.

Neighbors helping neighbors. Robin said there were three key elements that he knew he would need in order to make a volunteer crew work. First Steve and Cherie Stiles needed to be comfortable with opening their business to volunteer workers. Cherie would be bombarded with questions from people who didn't know what they were doing.

Darin Genereux, who has professional experience in operating a bakery, would have to have the time to bake and run a kitchen for a day. They would need someone who knew how to prepare the specialty drinks, Jenna Leader, a senior at the high school, would need to get out of basketball practice and be willing to help.

It all fell into place perfectly including basketball practice moving to a different day allowing Jenna to make coffee drinks all day. There were shifts of volunteers needed; Friday a number of volunteers came and decorated and got the Coffee Shop and Deli ready for the big day. Saturday morning there was a crew working from 7:00 AM on, and another crew of volunteers working the lunch hour.

Every volunteer was excited to be there enjoying serving, laughing and loving every minute. Those who had volunteered this day and who have experienced Big Sandy's love for their community when they needed help, remembered how they felt experiencing that support. Tears were shed as they shared how it felt to be supported.

Every single volunteer expressed joy. Robin said the thought came to him on Tuesday night and by Thursday night it was all in place. Volunteers were incredibly easy to find, because each wanted to support Steve and Cherie.

Cherie found the experience extremely humbling and life rewarding. It was a wakeup call to the goodness of people. "When Robin offered I knew I had to except. It was a gift," she said. Steve, who is still not well enough to come down to the Coffee Shop and Deli, had to stay home that day. Cherie wished he could have been there to experience the support. However, although he couldn't be there, Steve was deeply moved by the love and support of the community. The complete experience, from his medical intervention to volunteers working for him, was "life changing."

Steve and Cherie Stiles received two gifts this Christmas. Gifts not bought at a store. Life giving surgery and a community hug they won't ever forget. The Grinch said it best, "Maybe Christmas, he thought doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more".