Bear Paw Meanderings

I got a card the other day from a farm lady who thinks a lot of my writing and especially loves to hear about the times my family and I stayed out at Clear Creek around Christmas time.

I love to think about those old cherished and true stories as well. There were not four wheel drive vehicles in those days so it was a rare weekend that we could even get in. Always we had a bunch of decorations to make a Christmas tree and there was always enough wood to stay warm and always a lot of food to eat.

Often we missed church services but we figured that our church was the whole Bear Paw Mountains.

Tonight, when I am drifting and dreaming in front of the fireplace, the old dog snoring softly nearby, Happy Trails are here again!

This week I reviewed a new book and for we lucky ducks, it takes place in Chouteau County in the 1940’s. I have been told by many people that I have a couple books left in me to write. I would love to write a book called “93 and Me” which would be my story of driving the famous Red Busses over Glacier National Park all summer long! That would be a blast. Some summers I had guests and other summers I taught others how to drive those dramatic old busses. I wanted to write as well a book about my grandfather and I singing down the roads in Montana deciding where to work and where to settle his luggage down and the move to Havre. I never knew my grandfather. He died a year before I was born and yet I felt like I knew him well most of my life. Here are two good books. I doubt they will ever get written.

I may never get these two prime candidates for my favorite and the busiest of all exhibits like Charlie Russell used to say, “If dreams were horses all beggers would ride.”

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