Dear Santa Letters

Mary’s Little Lamb Daycare

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 1 year old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is little toy trucks and cars. I promise to leave out a cookie for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 4 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is smashems. I promise to leave out cookies for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Ashlynn

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 4 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is a nutcracker and a unicorn toy. I promise to leave out candy for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Thea

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 1 year old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is for my uncle Theo, Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Dan to visit for Christmas. I promise to leave out cookies for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Theodore

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 2 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is a R2- D2 and Star Wars toys. I promise to leave out carrots for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Luke

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 5 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is a mermaid doll and a princess. I promise to leave out milk and cookies for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Alexa

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I am 3 years old. This year, I have been good some of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is a pretty dress and a baby. I promise to leave out a cookie for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love, Georgia

Kindergarten, (with help from 6th grade)

Dear Santa,

I have been doing good. I am 5 years old. I have both a brother and sister. I thank you for the American doll last year. This year I would like a pogo stick, hatchamale twins, and a American doll food truck. My friend would like head bands. I will leave milk and cookies our for you. Thank you.

From, Kacey

Dear Santa,

I have been being good this year. I have been helping dad around the house, putting up the tree. I want forklift from North 40, not a big one. I also want a green chair and a medium truck and trailer. I will leave chocolate cookies and milk for you.

From, Laim

Dear Santa,

I have been a good kid this year, I would like a tiny saw kit, a tiny hammer, and a shark squirt gun. On my seventh Christmas, I would like toy for my cat and grandma to get rid f her cancer. For my brother drake, I would like him to have a real Bugatti Chiron.

I will leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

From Filly

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I like playing with trucks. I have 1 brother and 1 coming. I liked my car last year. I want a red, green and blue race car. My brother would like a dump truck.

From Hardy

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I really like my mom, brother and dad. Thank you for the toys I got last year, LegoCity, Star Wars, Lego Cop set. I would get my Mom earrings and my Dad Star Wars and my brother a baby toy.

Liam, Hardy, James are my friends.

From Levon

Dear Santa,

I would love to have for Christmas school to go on the tire swing and a park. For my family I want to get them a dog. I am 6 years old. My best friend is Kayse. I have 2 sister and 1 brother. I am going to make cookies and milk for you. My last gift I live a American horse stable.

From Marie

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been playing with friends. I am six and I want to say thank you for last years gift. I would like for this year, Amarican girl doll, shoes for my dog and a dress.

Your Friend, Hailey

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year and I was hoping I would get a Hatchimal, a Barbie doll in a blue dress, and a ornament of my own. I have one older brother, one younger brother, and I have a little sister on the way. I want to get my grandma Ya neckles and a watch for my grandpa. I hope I can get them for them.

From, Brynn

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year I go to school everyday. I’m 6 years old and have 3 sisters and 1 brother, I also like my last years presents. This year I would like red cowboy boots, baby, and a fluffy bear. I will leave milk and cookeis for you.

From Cassie

Dear Santa,

My name is James and I have been good all year. Last year I got a dinosaur. Now I am 5 and I want cowboy boots, I also want Christmas close.

I am going to leave out cookies. Can you also get Leavon candy. Thank you for reading my letter.

From, James

1st Grade

Dear Santa,

I would like a Barbie and a Mermaid for Christmas pleas. A Barbie would be nice. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

From London

Dear Santa,

I would like a Packers helmet and Packer cleats for Christmas please. Cleats would be cool. I hope you are doing well.

From, Ridge

Dear Santa,

I would like more cows and a farm set for Christmas please. A cow set would be cool. I hope the elves are working out.

From Rhett

Dear Santa,

I would like a IPod and a Nerf gun for Christmas please. A IPod would be awesome. I hop your slagh dusnit brack daon.

From, Henry

Dear Santa,

I would like an Xbox and some legos for Christmas please. An Xbox would de good because it is fun to play on. I hope the elves are working out.

From Drew

Dear Santa,

I would like Live Snuggles and a little baby for Christmas please. A Little Live Sniggles would be nice. I hope the elves are doing good.

From, Lauri

Dear Santa,

I would like a Barbie house for Christmas please. A Barbie would be nice for Christmas. I hope the elves are good.

From, Adysun

Dear Santa,

I would like Shopkins and a figet spinner for Christmas please. A figet spinner would be nice. I hope the reindeer are on a nice eftigh.

From Abbey

Dear Santa,

I would like a Tonka Truck and an Xbox for Christmas please. A Tonka truck would be cool. I hope you have a nice flight.

From Gabe

Dear Santa,

I would like Lego Spiders and an Xbox for Christmas please. Legospiders would be awesome. I hop yf fill well.

From Walter

Dear Santa,

I would like a toy cat and a America Doll for Christmas please. It would be good. I hope the elvs make it to Santa.

From Marquell

Dear Santa,

I would like high heels and alol for Christmas. Alol wood be awesome.

From Eden

2nd Grade

Dear Santa,

My name is Brett Gasvoda. I’m 8 years old. I’m in 2nd grade. I have a brother Chase. I want tractor set, farm set with cows. I like candy. I’ve been good this year.

From Brett

Dear Santa,

I hop you and your reindeers are ready to fly the sleigh. Will you please get my ball and some roller saktes? I would also like a descendents 2 doll and an American Girls doll.

From Daijlin

Dear Santa,

I want a watch for school and a typewriter and a water bottle. I also want a police bage and a PAW PATROL jacket.

I hope everything is ready to go for Christmas eve.

From Cody

Dear Santa,

Can you bring me some Rollers Skate shoes, a skate bord and a Xbox 360. Are the elves working hard?

From Aidan

Dear Santa,

May I please have four Kurio watches? One for me, one ofr Eden, one for Rylnn, and one for Astrid. Thank you.

I have been good this year.

I have presents for you.

From Raea

Dear Santa,

Can I have a real puppy and beados? Thank you, Santa! I hope you have a good new years.

From Natalie

Dear Santa,

I hope you and Mrs. Clause are doing well. Do the elves have all the presents ready? Will you please bring me a show pony, and a bike, and a orbees spa?

From Lyndee

Dear Santa,

I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing good? Is Rodolph doing good? Will you please bring me a cute wrinkly live sharpel and my cousin back from Bozmen her name is Danni. I have been very good this year!

From Astrid

Dear Santa,

Who is your favorite elf? I hope you have a good day. Can I get a dog , a Xbox IS or a Xbox I?

From Joseph

Dear Santa,

I wish for a $1000. My next one is I wish not being sick.

From Eyon

Dear Santa,

How are yay, Santa? How is Rudolph, the red noice! I want sent jernel please. Sata, have I been bad or have I been good? How is Mrs. Claus.

From Bailey

Dear Santa,

I want a payloader and a semi. How are you? I have been a good boy. I love you.

From Jayton

Dear Santa,

How ye do?

I want an SD card, a Nintendo Switch, a studio light, a Steelers jersey, shoes, coat, gloves, gecil, face mask, hat, boots, skis, a dog, and 17 packages of 20 piece chicken nuggets. How is Rudolph?

P.S. I have been good.

From David

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want a nerf gun and a pair of socks. How is Mrs. Claus?

From Jake

Dear Santa,

How are doing? How is Mrs. Claus? Now this is the part you’ve ben waiting for. Get ready! This is what I want for Christmas: 2 hover boreds, make up, mega nerf guns, 3 puppies, a bunch of shopkins, etsy slime, an iphone 8, some stuff to decorate, bunch of candy, what you want to bring me. I have ben good this year. Do you know Frosty the Snowman? Are you warm when you travel the world?

From Keira

Dear Santa,

I have been good. How are you?

I want a Barbie house but I am going to send to send you anuther letter.

Bib you met Frosty the Snowman? See you later.

From, Samantha

Dear Santa,

I want a lego minecraft set. I also want a toy dragen.

Have you been okay lately? I have been good, a little bad, but mostly good. Have you been working out?

From Josh

Dear Santa,

How are you? Have you had a jolly season? Well I’ve come to ask you what I would like for Chrsitmas is a trapilie and a lightsaber an electric car scienc lab kit and last but not lest a tablet nice taking with you.

From, Elaina

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I want a new football helmet and shoulder pads and a new bucket. I have been good this year. How is Rudolph.

From Quinn

Dear Santa,

I want a tractor with a bucket, fores and a bull doxer plow. Yes I have been good. How is miss Claus?

From, Owen

Dear Santa,

How are you?

I want a tablet, a real monkey please, more camera film, my own reindeer.

I have been good.

How are the elves?

Form Harley

Dear Santa,

How are you this year? What I want for Christmas is 100 bouncy balls and another reindeer and a gymnastics bar and most of all the power to speak to animals. I was good this year. Do you have any children?

From Faith

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