Feeding the Reindeer

As a child making a tasty and, of course, sweet treat for the reindeer did not happen every year, but the years it did happen were the most memorable. My grandma, cousins and I would mix oatmeal, sugar and sprinkles together to put out in the snow for the reindeer on the night of Christmas Eve. Then they, too, would get a snack on their long ride around the world. Waking up on Christmas morning was so exciting, but it also was a marathon.

For instance, it was very important to be the first one to wake up, but it was also so important to check Santa’s cookie plate or for the place where Rudolph and his friends had lain to take a break. After checking for all the signs of Santa’s appearance, we were completely relieved to know he had come to give my cousins, siblings, and I our presents we had waited all year to receive.

We would wait, not so patiently, for everyone else—the adults—to wake up. It has always been a rule at our family gatherings that you may open your stocking before everyone is awake, although any other present must wait until absolutely everyone else has gotten their full night of sleep and have awoken by natural causes.

Natural causes was the one rule that was bent the most, whether we flushed the toilet continuously or used the microwave to make a fast breakfast, it seemed as though there was always a new excuse to be loud and obnoxious. After all, Christmastime is the most wonderful of all, whether it is spent with friends, family or both: enjoy it while you can.

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