Green Acres

Golden Triangle Barley Update February 15 in Conrad, MT

Barley producers are encouraged to mark Thursday, February 15, 2018, in Conrad, MT on their calendar for the Golden Triangle Barley Update. This event happens only once every three years, and features some of the industry’s top professionals. The meeting will be held at the Pondera Shooting Sports Complex (972 Granite Rd, Conrad), and will run from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 8 a.m.

Speakers from Montana State University (MSU) will include Dr. Kent McVay of the Southern Ag Research Center who specializes in cropping systems, Dr. Anton Bekkerman, MSU Associate Professor of Economics, and Dr. Jamie Sherman, MSU Barley breeder. Dr. McVay will cover crop rotations and weed and nutrient management related to using barley in an oilseed, pulse crop, or small grains rotation while Dr. Bekkerman will speak to, “Management strategies for the good and not so good times,” regarding pertinent market conditions. Dr. Sherman will provide an update on the barley breeding program. Additionally, the Western Ag Research Center of Conrad will have an entomology resource table available throughout the day featuring barley damaging pests.

The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee will give an update on activities within the organization and Laura Demmel of the National Association of Conservation Districts will present on Field to Market and Sustainability within the barley industry. There will be an overview of the barley industry from Collin Watters of the Montana Wheat and Barley committee and Scott Heisel of the American Malting Barley Association. Watters and Heisel will discuss the barley industry’s history and its future and both current and future barley markets for malt, food, and feed.

The day will conclude with a malting barley industry panel featuring industry representatives from AB-InBev, MillerCoors, Malteurop, and Ryan Pfeifle of Farm Power Malt and Ron Ueland from Montana Craft Malt. The day will conclude with snacks and refreshments around 4 p.m.

Lunch will be provided courtesy of industry sponsors; however, operations are asked to please limit themselves to two representatives. An RSVP by February 9 to the Pondera County Extension Office at (406) 271-4053 or is required for the meeting.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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