Friends of the Library

Thursday, January 18, Friends of the Library met in the Big Sandy Library’s meeting room. Librarian Darlene Cline called the meeting to order. Minutes of the November meeting were read, and a report on the library’s activities during the annual Christmas Stroll was given: 275 people strolled through the library, enjoying apple cider and cookies, while dozens of youngsters made crafts throughout the day. The beautiful quilt made and donated by Judy (Bissell) Hawkins, Class of ’66, was raffled off with Michelle Danreuther, sr. being the lucky winner. A big thank you was given to Judy and all who purchased tickets.

New Business: An open house, celebrating the first anniversary of the library’s opening was discussed. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it was decided to hold the open house on Tuesday, February 13 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Please stop in and enjoy punch, coffee and cookies. Darlene also extended an invitation to anyone who would like to help decorate for February to please some to the library on Thursday, February 1 at 2:00 p.m. for lots of heart-making fun! All supplies will be there- just bring your crafty self.

The Lego tower in the main window continues to grow and morph as anyone checking out a book or returning a book gets to add a Lego piece to the tower. I will be interesting to see what this “community effort” creation will look like at the end of the ‘building”.

Darlene has many special events planned for the upcoming months, including a presentation on E-Books from the “Montana to Go” library this will take place on March 15. Also, she would like to begin offering evening (or afternoon) classes/presentations on a wide variety of subjects. If there is a class you would like to see offered, please call the library at 378-2161 and suggest it.

The friends of the Library meet on the third Thursday of the odd months of the year. Anyone interested in joining is welcome. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 15 at 3:00 p.m.